20/11/2019 13:10, Kinsella, Ray:
> From: Burakov, Anatoly <anatoly.bura...@intel.com>
> > --- a/drivers/meson.build
> > +++ b/drivers/meson.build
> > +                   if is_experimental != 0
> > +                           lib_version = '0.1'
> [rk] This all makes sense - except this part.
> [rk] I would expect the experimental major version to always be zero ...
> [rk] However I would expect the minor version to increment with each new 
> release or at the maintainers discretion. 

Yes, the minor must be incremented with each new release
if we want to allow 2 DPDK versions to be installed in the same system.

This policy must be changed:
Experimental libraries always have a major version of 0
to indicate they exist outside of ABI Versioning,
with the minor version incremented with each ABI change to library.

I propose to re-use the global ABI version for experimental
by prefixing with "0.".
So for ABI 20.0, it could be 0.20.0 or 0.200? Which one?

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