08/11/2019 17:25, Anatoly Burakov:
> From: Marcin Baran <marcinx.ba...@intel.com>
> As per new ABI policy, all of the libraries are now versioned using
> one global ABI version. Changes in this patch implement the
> necessary steps to enable that.

For the history, would be nice to describe the "why" of each change here.
Please do not be lazy :)

> --- a/buildtools/meson.build
> +++ b/buildtools/meson.build
> +is_experimental_cmd = [find_program('grep', 'findstr'), '^DPDK_']

A comment is missing to explain the relationship between
"experimental" and "^DPDK_".

> --- /dev/null
> +++ b/config/ABI_VERSION
> +20.0

Why in config/ directory and not in root as for VERSION file?

> +                     if is_experimental != 0
> +                             lib_version = '0.1'

Why 0.1 and not 0.0?
How do we increment the minor version of experimental libs?

> +                             so_version = '0'

How so_version is incremented?
It would deserve a comment here.

>                       if not use_function_versioning
> -                             # use pre-build objects to build shared lib
> +                             # then use pre-build objects to build shared lib

Is this change relevant?

> -option('per_library_versions', type: 'boolean', value: true,
> -     description: 'true: each lib gets its own version number, false: DPDK 
> version used for each lib')

Good to see this option removed.

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