On 11/07, Di ChenxuX wrote:
>testpmd will occur infinite loops when device hotplug remove.
>We can fix the issue by using the pci generic remove function
>Fixes: ac89d46096d5 ("net/i40e: release port upon close")
>Signed-off-by: Di ChenxuX <chenxux...@intel.com>
>reverted the code about i40e_vf_representor_uninit.
>change the code in driver.
> drivers/net/i40e/i40e_ethdev.c | 6 +++---
> 1 file changed, 3 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-)
>diff --git a/drivers/net/i40e/i40e_ethdev.c b/drivers/net/i40e/i40e_ethdev.c
>index 77a46832c..d67c08c0f 100644
>--- a/drivers/net/i40e/i40e_ethdev.c
>+++ b/drivers/net/i40e/i40e_ethdev.c
>@@ -698,13 +698,13 @@ static int eth_i40e_pci_remove(struct rte_pci_device 
>       ethdev = rte_eth_dev_allocated(pci_dev->device.name);
>       if (!ethdev)
>-              return -ENODEV;
>+              return 0;
>       if (ethdev->data->dev_flags & RTE_ETH_DEV_REPRESENTOR)
>               return rte_eth_dev_destroy(ethdev, i40e_vf_representor_uninit);

Can we use rte_eth_dev_pci_generic_remove for i40e vf representor as well?

>       else
>-              return rte_eth_dev_destroy(ethdev, eth_i40e_dev_uninit);
>+              return rte_eth_dev_pci_generic_remove(pci_dev,
>+                                              eth_i40e_dev_uninit);
> }
> static struct rte_pci_driver rte_i40e_pmd = {

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