Hi David,

Thanks for review, hopefully this patch will addresses most of the sutff.
Rest I will address here.

> > +       const char *procdir = "/proc/self/fd/";
> self is a Linux thing.
> This won't work on FreeBSD.

IMHO original code didn't worked on FreeBSD as well.
I have created function to adress in third patch

> No need to set status, this (forked) process will panic.
I am using status to save errno as it value can be overwritten on unlikely
event of closedir failure.

v3 changes:
  add missing closedir
  fix strtol string validation test
  removed empty line
  remove unecssary initalization
  add check for '.' and '..' to avoid errors in parsing entries
  fix commit message
  add FreeBSD function for closing files
v2 changes:
  fix commit message

Krzysztof Kanas (3):
  test: fix timeout in flags autotest
  test: move close files to separate function
  test: fix FreeBSD file closing function

 process.h |  183 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++----------------
 1 file changed, 138 insertions(+), 45 deletions(-)

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