
When using eRPC with DPDK the following error pops up:

69:828149 WARNG: Installing flow rule for Rpc 0. NUMA node = 0. Flow RX UDP 
port = 31882.
69:838908 WARNG: RawTransport created for Rpc ID 0. Device mlx5_0/enp175s0, 
port 1. IPv4, MAC 98:3:9b:63:e0:e0. Datapath UDP port 31882.
70:812503 WARNG: Installing flow rule for Rpc 2. NUMA node = 0. Flow RX UDP 
port = 31884.
70:813820 WARNG: RawTransport created for Rpc ID 2. Device mlx5_0/enp175s0, 
port 1. IPv4, MAC 98:3:9b:63:e0:e0. Datapath UDP port 31884.
Operation not permitted

Can anybody shed some light on what might be causing it ?



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