- remove the 'rte_' prefix from the arm specific functions (David Marchand)
- use the __atomic_load_ex_xx functions in arm specific implementations of APIS 
(David Marchand)
- remove the experimental warnings (David Marchand)
- tweak the macros working scope (David Marchand)
-add rte_ prefix to the __atomic_load_ex_x funtions(Ananyev Konstantin)
-define the above rte_atomic_load_ex_x funtions even if not 
RTE_WAIT_UNTIL_EQUAL_ARCH_DEFINED for future non-wfe usages(Ananyev Konstantin)
-use the above functions for arm specific rte_wait_until_equal_x 
functions(Ananyev Konstantin)
-simplify the generic implementation by immersing "if" into "while"(Ananyev 

- move arm specific stuff to arch/arm/rte_pause_64.h(Ananyev Konstantin)
- fix a weblink broken (David Marchand)
- define rte_wfe and rte_sev() (Ananyev Konstantin)
- explicitly define three function APIs instead of marcos (Ananyev Konstantin)
- incorporate common rte_wfe and rte_sev into the generic rte_spinlock (David 
- define arch neutral RTE_WAIT_UNTIL_EQUAL_ARCH_DEFINED (Ananyev Konstantin)
- define rte_load_ex_16/32/64 functions to use load-exclusive instruction for 
aarch64, which is required for wake up of WFE
- drop the rte_spinlock patch from this series, as the it calls this 
experimental API and it is widely included by a lot of components each requires 
the ALLOW_EXPERIMENRAL_API for the Makefile and meson.build, leave it to future 
after the experimental is removed.
- simplify dmb definition to use io barriers (David Marchand)
- define wfe() and sev() macros and use them inside normal C code (Ananyev 
- pass memorder as parameter, not to incorporate it into function name, less 
functions, similar to C11 atomic intrinsics (Ananyev Konstantin)
- remove mandating RTE_FORCE_INTRINSICS in arm spinlock implementation(David 
- undef __WAIT_UNTIL_EQUAL after use (David Marchand)
- add experimental tag and warning (David Marchand)
- add the limitation of using WFE instruction in the commit log (David 
- tweak the use of RTE_FORCE_INSTRINSICS(still mandatory for aarch64) and 
RTE_ARM_USE_WFE for spinlock (David Marchand)
- drop the rte_ring patch from this series, as the rte_ring.h calls this API 
and it is widely included by a lot of components each requires the 
ALLOW_EXPERIMENRAL_API for the Makefile and meson.build, leave it to future 
after the experimental is removed.
- fix the checkpatch LONG_LINE_COMMENT issue
- squash the RTE_ARM_USE_WFE configuration entry patch into the new API patch
- move the new configuration to the end of EAL
- add doxygen comments to reflect the relaxed and acquire semantics
- correct the meson configuration 
- add doxygen comments for the new APIs
- spinlock early exit without wfe if the spinlock not taken by others.
- add two patches on top for opdl and thunderx
- rename the config as CONFIG_RTE_ARM_USE_WFE to indicate it applys to arm only
- introduce a macro for assembly Skelton to reduce the duplication of code
- add one patch for nxp fslmc to address a compiling error
- Convert RFCs to patches
- Use inline functions instead of marcos
- Add load and compare in the beginning of the APIs
- Fix some style errors in asm inline 
- Add the new APIs and use it for ring and locks

Gavin Hu (5):
  bus/fslmc: fix the conflicting dmb function
  eal: add the APIs to wait until equal
  ticketlock: use new API to reduce contention on aarch64
  net/thunderx: use new API to save cycles on aarch64
  event/opdl: use new API to save cycles on aarch64

 config/arm/meson.build                             |   1 +
 config/common_base                                 |   5 +
 drivers/bus/fslmc/mc/fsl_mc_sys.h                  |   8 +-
 drivers/event/opdl/Makefile                        |   1 +
 drivers/event/opdl/meson.build                     |   1 +
 drivers/event/opdl/opdl_ring.c                     |   5 +-
 drivers/net/thunderx/Makefile                      |   1 +
 drivers/net/thunderx/meson.build                   |   1 +
 drivers/net/thunderx/nicvf_rxtx.c                  |   3 +-
 .../common/include/arch/arm/rte_pause_64.h         | 165 +++++++++++++++++++++
 lib/librte_eal/common/include/generic/rte_pause.h  |  99 +++++++++++++
 .../common/include/generic/rte_ticketlock.h        |   3 +-
 12 files changed, 281 insertions(+), 12 deletions(-)


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