On Thu, Dec 03, 2015 at 03:22:39AM +0100, Thomas Monjalon wrote:
> 2015-12-03 02:15, Ferruh Yigit:
> > +ifeq ($(COMBINED_BUILD),1)
> >  include $(RTE_SDK)/mk/rte.sharelib.mk
> > +endif
> I still don't understand what was the issue with this include but it
> seems not related to versioning.
> Please condider a separate patch with a detailed explanation of the bug.
Indeed this is related to the using versioning macros VERSION_SYMBOL, 
But let me try to fix this in different way

> [...]
> > +FILES=$(find $RTE_SDK -name "*_version.map")
> No, we can have several build directories in RTE_SDK.
"grep -v" was to remove build output .map files, not searching for 
_version.map, so it should be OK
but let me narrow search path to lib and drivers folders to be safe


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