This patch ensure that TCAM allocations made by a newly added VSIG
that has the same characteristic list of an existing VSIG are removed.

Fixes: 51d04e4933e3 ("net/ice/base: add flexible pipeline module")

Signed-off-by: Vignesh Sridhar <>
Signed-off-by: Paul M Stillwell Jr <>
Signed-off-by: Qi Zhang <>
Reviewed-by: Qiming Yang <>
Reviewed-by: Wenzhuo Lu <>
 drivers/net/ice/base/ice_flex_pipe.c | 85 +++++++++++++++++-------------------
 1 file changed, 41 insertions(+), 44 deletions(-)

diff --git a/drivers/net/ice/base/ice_flex_pipe.c 
index 37bb4cbb5..c9d8730d2 100644
--- a/drivers/net/ice/base/ice_flex_pipe.c
+++ b/drivers/net/ice/base/ice_flex_pipe.c
@@ -2302,21 +2302,23 @@ ice_vsig_free(struct ice_hw *hw, enum ice_block blk, 
u16 vsig)
        hw->blk[blk].xlt2.vsig_tbl[idx].in_use = false;
        vsi_cur = hw->blk[blk].xlt2.vsig_tbl[idx].first_vsi;
-       if (!vsi_cur)
-               return ICE_ERR_CFG;
-       /* remove all vsis associated with this VSIG XLT2 entry */
-       do {
-               struct ice_vsig_vsi *tmp = vsi_cur->next_vsi;
-               vsi_cur->vsig = ICE_DEFAULT_VSIG;
-               vsi_cur->changed = 1;
-               vsi_cur->next_vsi = NULL;
-               vsi_cur = tmp;
-       } while (vsi_cur);
-       /* NULL terminate head of vsi list */
-       hw->blk[blk].xlt2.vsig_tbl[idx].first_vsi = NULL;
+       /* If the VSIG has at least 1 VSI then iterate through the
+        * list and remove the VSIs before deleting the group.
+        */
+       if (vsi_cur) {
+               /* remove all vsis associated with this VSIG XLT2 entry */
+               do {
+                       struct ice_vsig_vsi *tmp = vsi_cur->next_vsi;
+                       vsi_cur->vsig = ICE_DEFAULT_VSIG;
+                       vsi_cur->changed = 1;
+                       vsi_cur->next_vsi = NULL;
+                       vsi_cur = tmp;
+               } while (vsi_cur);
+               /* NULL terminate head of VSI list */
+               hw->blk[blk].xlt2.vsig_tbl[idx].first_vsi = NULL;
+       }
        /* free characteristic list */
        LIST_FOR_EACH_ENTRY_SAFE(del, dtmp,
@@ -4267,36 +4269,32 @@ ice_rem_vsig(struct ice_hw *hw, enum ice_block blk, u16 
        /* Move all VSIS associated with this VSIG to the default VSIG */
        vsi_cur = hw->blk[blk].xlt2.vsig_tbl[idx].first_vsi;
-       if (!vsi_cur)
-               return ICE_ERR_CFG;
-       do {
-               struct ice_vsig_vsi *tmp = vsi_cur->next_vsi;
-               struct ice_chs_chg *p;
-               p = (struct ice_chs_chg *)ice_malloc(hw, sizeof(*p));
-               if (!p)
-                       goto err_ice_rem_vsig;
+       /* If the VSIG has at least 1 VSI then iterate through the list
+        * and remove the VSIs before deleting the group.
+        */
+       if (vsi_cur) {
+               do {
+                       struct ice_vsig_vsi *tmp = vsi_cur->next_vsi;
+                       struct ice_chs_chg *p;
-               p->type = ICE_VSIG_REM;
-               p->orig_vsig = vsig;
-               p->vsig = ICE_DEFAULT_VSIG;
-               p->vsi = vsi_cur - hw->blk[blk].xlt2.vsis;
+                       p = (struct ice_chs_chg *)ice_malloc(hw, sizeof(*p));
+                       if (!p)
+                               return ICE_ERR_NO_MEMORY;
-               LIST_ADD(&p->list_entry, chg);
+                       p->type = ICE_VSIG_REM;
+                       p->orig_vsig = vsig;
+                       p->vsig = ICE_DEFAULT_VSIG;
+                       p->vsi = vsi_cur - hw->blk[blk].xlt2.vsis;
-               status = ice_vsig_free(hw, blk, vsig);
-               if (status)
-                       return status;
+                       LIST_ADD(&p->list_entry, chg);
-               vsi_cur = tmp;
-       } while (vsi_cur);
+                       vsi_cur = tmp;
+               } while (vsi_cur);
+       }
-       return ICE_SUCCESS;
+       status = ice_vsig_free(hw, blk, vsig);
-       /* the caller will free up the change list */
-       return ICE_ERR_NO_MEMORY;
+       return status;
@@ -4493,7 +4491,7 @@ ice_get_profs_vsig(struct ice_hw *hw, enum ice_block blk, 
u16 vsig,
                ice_memcpy(p, ent1, sizeof(*p), ICE_NONDMA_TO_NONDMA);
-               LIST_ADD(&p->list, lst);
+               LIST_ADD_TAIL(&p->list, lst);
        return ICE_SUCCESS;
@@ -5000,14 +4998,13 @@ ice_add_prof_id_flow(struct ice_hw *hw, enum ice_block 
blk, u16 vsi, u64 hdl)
                /* search for an existing VSIG with an exact charc match */
                status = ice_find_dup_props_vsig(hw, blk, &union_lst, &vsig);
                if (!status) {
-                       /* found an exact match */
-                       /* move vsi to the VSIG that matches */
+                       /* move VSI to the VSIG that matches */
                        status = ice_move_vsi(hw, blk, vsi, vsig, &chg);
                        if (status)
                                goto err_ice_add_prof_id_flow;
-                       /* remove original VSIG if we just moved the only VSI
-                        * from it
+                       /* VSI has been moved out of or_vsig. If the or_vsig had
+                        * only that VSI it is now empty and can be removed.
                        if (only_vsi) {
                                status = ice_rem_vsig(hw, blk, or_vsig, &chg);

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