On 10/18/2018 8:10 PM, Thomas Monjalon wrote:
> 16/10/2018 16:35, Akhil Goyal:
>>> Akhil Goyal (3):
>>> security: support pdcp protocol
>>> crypto/dpaa2_sec: add sample pdcp descriptor apis
>>> crypto/dpaa2_sec: support pdcp offload
>>> doc/guides/prog_guide/rte_security.rst | 107 +-
>>> drivers/crypto/dpaa2_sec/dpaa2_sec_dpseci.c | 257 ++
>>> drivers/crypto/dpaa2_sec/dpaa2_sec_priv.h | 208 +-
>>> drivers/crypto/dpaa2_sec/hw/desc.h | 2 +-
>>> drivers/crypto/dpaa2_sec/hw/desc/pdcp.h | 2796 +++++++++++++++++++
>>> lib/librte_security/rte_security.c | 4 +
>>> lib/librte_security/rte_security.h | 92 +
>>> 7 files changed, 3450 insertions(+), 16 deletions(-)
>>> create mode 100644 drivers/crypto/dpaa2_sec/hw/desc/pdcp.h
>> Patchset applied to dpdk-next-crypto
>> minor modification as suggested by Anoob is done.
> This patchset won't be part of the pull in master because of 2 issues:
> - clang error:
> drivers/crypto/dpaa2_sec/dpaa2_sec_dpseci.c:2759:18: fatal error:
> implicit conversion from enumeration type 'enum rte_security_pdcp_sn_size'
> to different enumeration type 'enum pdcp_sn_size'
Got it. I am sending the fix (Akhil is on leave).
> - doxygen error:
> rte_security.h:225: warning: Found unknown command `\PDCP_SN_SIZE_5'
> rte_security.h:226: warning: Found unknown command `\PDCP_SN_SIZE_7'
> rte_security.h:227: warning: Found unknown command `\PDCP_SN_SIZE_12'
> rte_security.h:228: warning: Found unknown command `\PDCP_SN_SIZE_15'
> rte_security.h:229: warning: Found unknown command `\PDCP_SN_SIZE_18'
> I think these doxygen comments can be removed.
I am fixing the comment and placing them at right place. The whole file
has comment for structures, so it is better that we define these as well.