From: Akhil Goyal <>

PDCP session configuration for lookaside protocol offload
and data path is added.

Signed-off-by: Hemant Agrawal <>
Signed-off-by: Akhil Goyal <>
 drivers/crypto/dpaa2_sec/dpaa2_sec_dpseci.c | 257 ++++++++++++++++++++
 drivers/crypto/dpaa2_sec/dpaa2_sec_priv.h   | 208 +++++++++++++++-
 2 files changed, 457 insertions(+), 8 deletions(-)

diff --git a/drivers/crypto/dpaa2_sec/dpaa2_sec_dpseci.c 
index 0336d5f4b..fe769a932 100644
--- a/drivers/crypto/dpaa2_sec/dpaa2_sec_dpseci.c
+++ b/drivers/crypto/dpaa2_sec/dpaa2_sec_dpseci.c
@@ -35,6 +35,7 @@ typedef uint64_t      dma_addr_t;
 /* RTA header files */
 #include <hw/desc/ipsec.h>
+#include <hw/desc/pdcp.h>
 #include <hw/desc/algo.h>
 /* Minimum job descriptor consists of a oneword job descriptor HEADER and
@@ -74,6 +75,9 @@ build_proto_compound_fd(dpaa2_sec_session *sess,
        struct rte_mbuf *dst_mbuf = sym_op->m_dst;
        int retval;
+       if (!dst_mbuf)
+               dst_mbuf = src_mbuf;
        /* Save the shared descriptor */
        flc = &priv->flc_desc[0].flc;
@@ -118,6 +122,15 @@ build_proto_compound_fd(dpaa2_sec_session *sess,
        DPAA2_SET_FD_LEN(fd, ip_fle->length);
+       if (sess->ctxt_type == DPAA2_SEC_PDCP && sess->pdcp.hfn_ovd) {
+               /*enable HFN override override */
+               DPAA2_SET_FLE_INTERNAL_JD(ip_fle, sess->pdcp.hfn_ovd);
+               DPAA2_SET_FLE_INTERNAL_JD(op_fle, sess->pdcp.hfn_ovd);
+               DPAA2_SET_FD_INTERNAL_JD(fd, sess->pdcp.hfn_ovd);
+       }
        return 0;
@@ -1188,6 +1201,9 @@ build_sec_fd(struct rte_crypto_op *op,
                case DPAA2_SEC_IPSEC:
                        ret = build_proto_fd(sess, op, fd, bpid);
+               case DPAA2_SEC_PDCP:
+                       ret = build_proto_compound_fd(sess, op, fd, bpid);
+                       break;
                case DPAA2_SEC_HASH_CIPHER:
                        DPAA2_SEC_ERR("error: Unsupported session");
@@ -2551,6 +2567,243 @@ dpaa2_sec_set_ipsec_session(struct rte_cryptodev *dev,
        return ret;
+static int
+dpaa2_sec_set_pdcp_session(struct rte_cryptodev *dev,
+                          struct rte_security_session_conf *conf,
+                          void *sess)
+       struct rte_security_pdcp_xform *pdcp_xform = &conf->pdcp;
+       struct rte_crypto_sym_xform *xform = conf->crypto_xform;
+       struct rte_crypto_auth_xform *auth_xform = NULL;
+       struct rte_crypto_cipher_xform *cipher_xform;
+       dpaa2_sec_session *session = (dpaa2_sec_session *)sess;
+       struct ctxt_priv *priv;
+       struct dpaa2_sec_dev_private *dev_priv = dev->data->dev_private;
+       struct alginfo authdata, cipherdata;
+       int bufsize = -1;
+       struct sec_flow_context *flc;
+       int swap = true;
+       int swap = false;
+       memset(session, 0, sizeof(dpaa2_sec_session));
+       priv = (struct ctxt_priv *)rte_zmalloc(NULL,
+                               sizeof(struct ctxt_priv) +
+                               sizeof(struct sec_flc_desc),
+                               RTE_CACHE_LINE_SIZE);
+       if (priv == NULL) {
+               DPAA2_SEC_ERR("No memory for priv CTXT");
+               return -ENOMEM;
+       }
+       priv->fle_pool = dev_priv->fle_pool;
+       flc = &priv->flc_desc[0].flc;
+       /* find xfrm types */
+       if (xform->type == RTE_CRYPTO_SYM_XFORM_CIPHER && xform->next == NULL) {
+               cipher_xform = &xform->cipher;
+       } else if (xform->type == RTE_CRYPTO_SYM_XFORM_CIPHER &&
+                  xform->next->type == RTE_CRYPTO_SYM_XFORM_AUTH) {
+               session->ext_params.aead_ctxt.auth_cipher_text = true;
+               cipher_xform = &xform->cipher;
+               auth_xform = &xform->next->auth;
+       } else if (xform->type == RTE_CRYPTO_SYM_XFORM_AUTH &&
+                  xform->next->type == RTE_CRYPTO_SYM_XFORM_CIPHER) {
+               session->ext_params.aead_ctxt.auth_cipher_text = false;
+               cipher_xform = &xform->next->cipher;
+               auth_xform = &xform->auth;
+       } else {
+               DPAA2_SEC_ERR("Invalid crypto type");
+               return -EINVAL;
+       }
+       session->ctxt_type = DPAA2_SEC_PDCP;
+       if (cipher_xform) {
+               session-> = rte_zmalloc(NULL,
+                                              cipher_xform->key.length,
+                                              RTE_CACHE_LINE_SIZE);
+               if (session-> == NULL &&
+                               cipher_xform->key.length > 0) {
+                       DPAA2_SEC_ERR("No Memory for cipher key");
+                       rte_free(priv);
+                       return -ENOMEM;
+               }
+               session->cipher_key.length = cipher_xform->key.length;
+               memcpy(session->, cipher_xform->,
+                       cipher_xform->key.length);
+               session->dir = (cipher_xform->op == 
+                                       DIR_ENC : DIR_DEC;
+               session->cipher_alg = cipher_xform->algo;
+       } else {
+               session-> = NULL;
+               session->cipher_key.length = 0;
+               session->cipher_alg = RTE_CRYPTO_CIPHER_NULL;
+               session->dir = DIR_ENC;
+       }
+       session->pdcp.domain = pdcp_xform->domain;
+       session->pdcp.bearer = pdcp_xform->bearer;
+       session->pdcp.pkt_dir = pdcp_xform->pkt_dir;
+       session->pdcp.sn_size = pdcp_xform->sn_size;
+       session->pdcp.hfn_ovd = pdcp_xform->hfn_ovd;
+       session->pdcp.hfn = pdcp_xform->hfn;
+       session->pdcp.hfn_threshold = pdcp_xform->hfn_threshold;
+       cipherdata.key = (size_t)session->;
+       cipherdata.keylen = session->cipher_key.length;
+       cipherdata.key_enc_flags = 0;
+       cipherdata.key_type = RTA_DATA_IMM;
+       switch (session->cipher_alg) {
+               cipherdata.algtype = PDCP_CIPHER_TYPE_SNOW;
+               break;
+               cipherdata.algtype = PDCP_CIPHER_TYPE_ZUC;
+               break;
+               cipherdata.algtype = PDCP_CIPHER_TYPE_AES;
+               break;
+               cipherdata.algtype = PDCP_CIPHER_TYPE_NULL;
+               break;
+       default:
+               DPAA2_SEC_ERR("Crypto: Undefined Cipher specified %u",
+                             session->cipher_alg);
+               goto out;
+       }
+       /* Auth is only applicable for control mode operation. */
+       if (pdcp_xform->domain == RTE_SECURITY_PDCP_MODE_CONTROL) {
+               if (pdcp_xform->sn_size != RTE_SECURITY_PDCP_SN_SIZE_5) {
+                       DPAA2_SEC_ERR(
+                               "PDCP Seq Num size should be 5 bits for cmode");
+                       goto out;
+               }
+               if (auth_xform) {
+                       session-> = rte_zmalloc(NULL,
+                                                       auth_xform->key.length,
+                                                       RTE_CACHE_LINE_SIZE);
+                       if (session-> == NULL &&
+                                       auth_xform->key.length > 0) {
+                               DPAA2_SEC_ERR("No Memory for auth key");
+                               rte_free(session->;
+                               rte_free(priv);
+                               return -ENOMEM;
+                       }
+                       session->auth_key.length = auth_xform->key.length;
+                       memcpy(session->, auth_xform->,
+                                       auth_xform->key.length);
+                       session->auth_alg = auth_xform->algo;
+               } else {
+                       session-> = NULL;
+                       session->auth_key.length = 0;
+                       session->auth_alg = RTE_CRYPTO_AUTH_NULL;
+               }
+               authdata.key = (size_t)session->;
+               authdata.keylen = session->auth_key.length;
+               authdata.key_enc_flags = 0;
+               authdata.key_type = RTA_DATA_IMM;
+               switch (session->auth_alg) {
+               case RTE_CRYPTO_AUTH_SNOW3G_UIA2:
+                       authdata.algtype = PDCP_AUTH_TYPE_SNOW;
+                       break;
+               case RTE_CRYPTO_AUTH_ZUC_EIA3:
+                       authdata.algtype = PDCP_AUTH_TYPE_ZUC;
+                       break;
+               case RTE_CRYPTO_AUTH_AES_CMAC:
+                       authdata.algtype = PDCP_AUTH_TYPE_AES;
+                       break;
+               case RTE_CRYPTO_AUTH_NULL:
+                       authdata.algtype = PDCP_AUTH_TYPE_NULL;
+                       break;
+               default:
+                       DPAA2_SEC_ERR("Crypto: Unsupported auth alg %u",
+                                     session->auth_alg);
+                       goto out;
+               }
+               if (session->dir == DIR_ENC)
+                       bufsize = cnstr_shdsc_pdcp_c_plane_encap(
+                                       priv->flc_desc[0].desc, 1, swap,
+                                       pdcp_xform->hfn,
+                                       pdcp_xform->bearer,
+                                       pdcp_xform->pkt_dir,
+                                       pdcp_xform->hfn_threshold,
+                                       &cipherdata, &authdata,
+                                       0);
+               else if (session->dir == DIR_DEC)
+                       bufsize = cnstr_shdsc_pdcp_c_plane_decap(
+                                       priv->flc_desc[0].desc, 1, swap,
+                                       pdcp_xform->hfn,
+                                       pdcp_xform->bearer,
+                                       pdcp_xform->pkt_dir,
+                                       pdcp_xform->hfn_threshold,
+                                       &cipherdata, &authdata,
+                                       0);
+       } else {
+               if (session->dir == DIR_ENC)
+                       bufsize = cnstr_shdsc_pdcp_u_plane_encap(
+                                       priv->flc_desc[0].desc, 1, swap,
+                                       pdcp_xform->sn_size,
+                                       pdcp_xform->hfn,
+                                       pdcp_xform->bearer,
+                                       pdcp_xform->pkt_dir,
+                                       pdcp_xform->hfn_threshold,
+                                       &cipherdata, 0);
+               else if (session->dir == DIR_DEC)
+                       bufsize = cnstr_shdsc_pdcp_u_plane_decap(
+                                       priv->flc_desc[0].desc, 1, swap,
+                                       pdcp_xform->sn_size,
+                                       pdcp_xform->hfn,
+                                       pdcp_xform->bearer,
+                                       pdcp_xform->pkt_dir,
+                                       pdcp_xform->hfn_threshold,
+                                       &cipherdata, 0);
+       }
+       if (bufsize < 0) {
+               DPAA2_SEC_ERR("Crypto: Invalid buffer length");
+               goto out;
+       }
+       /* Enable the stashing control bit */
+       DPAA2_SET_FLC_RSC(flc);
+       flc->word2_rflc_31_0 = lower_32_bits(
+                       (size_t)&(((struct dpaa2_sec_qp *)
+                       dev->data->queue_pairs[0])->rx_vq) | 0x14);
+       flc->word3_rflc_63_32 = upper_32_bits(
+                       (size_t)&(((struct dpaa2_sec_qp *)
+                       dev->data->queue_pairs[0])->rx_vq));
+       flc->word1_sdl = (uint8_t)bufsize;
+       /* Set EWS bit i.e. enable write-safe */
+       DPAA2_SET_FLC_EWS(flc);
+       /* Set BS = 1 i.e reuse input buffers as output buffers */
+       DPAA2_SET_FLC_REUSE_BS(flc);
+       /* Set FF = 10; reuse input buffers if they provide sufficient space */
+       DPAA2_SET_FLC_REUSE_FF(flc);
+       session->ctxt = priv;
+       return 0;
+       rte_free(session->;
+       rte_free(session->;
+       rte_free(priv);
+       return -1;
 static int
 dpaa2_sec_security_session_create(void *dev,
                                  struct rte_security_session_conf *conf,
@@ -2573,6 +2826,10 @@ dpaa2_sec_security_session_create(void *dev,
                return -ENOTSUP;
+               ret = dpaa2_sec_set_pdcp_session(cdev, conf,
+                               sess_private_data);
+               break;
                return -EINVAL;
diff --git a/drivers/crypto/dpaa2_sec/dpaa2_sec_priv.h 
index bce9633c0..51751103d 100644
--- a/drivers/crypto/dpaa2_sec/dpaa2_sec_priv.h
+++ b/drivers/crypto/dpaa2_sec/dpaa2_sec_priv.h
@@ -137,6 +137,19 @@ struct dpaa2_sec_aead_ctxt {
        uint8_t auth_cipher_text;       /**< Authenticate/cipher ordering */
+ * The structure is to be filled by user for PDCP Protocol
+ */
+struct dpaa2_pdcp_ctxt {
+       enum rte_security_pdcp_domain domain; /*!< Data/Control mode*/
+       int8_t bearer;  /*!< PDCP bearer ID */
+       int8_t pkt_dir;/*!< PDCP Frame Direction 0:UL 1:DL*/
+       int8_t hfn_ovd;/*!< Overwrite HFN per packet*/
+       uint32_t hfn;   /*!< Hyper Frame Number */
+       uint32_t hfn_threshold; /*!< HFN Threashold for key renegotiation */
+       uint8_t sn_size;        /*!< Sequence number size, 7/12/15 */
 typedef struct dpaa2_sec_session_entry {
        void *ctxt;
        uint8_t ctxt_type;
@@ -160,15 +173,20 @@ typedef struct dpaa2_sec_session_entry {
                        } auth_key;
-       struct {
-               uint16_t length; /**< IV length in bytes */
-               uint16_t offset; /**< IV offset in bytes */
-       } iv;
-       uint16_t digest_length;
-       uint8_t status;
        union {
-               struct dpaa2_sec_aead_ctxt aead_ctxt;
-       } ext_params;
+               struct {
+                       struct {
+                               uint16_t length; /**< IV length in bytes */
+                               uint16_t offset; /**< IV offset in bytes */
+                       } iv;
+                       uint16_t digest_length;
+                       uint8_t status;
+                       union {
+                               struct dpaa2_sec_aead_ctxt aead_ctxt;
+                       } ext_params;
+               };
+               struct dpaa2_pdcp_ctxt pdcp;
+       };
 } dpaa2_sec_session;
 static const struct rte_cryptodev_capabilities dpaa2_sec_capabilities[] = {
@@ -392,6 +410,162 @@ static const struct rte_cryptodev_capabilities 
dpaa2_sec_capabilities[] = {
+static const struct rte_cryptodev_capabilities dpaa2_pdcp_capabilities[] = {
+       {       /* SNOW 3G (UIA2) */
+               .op = RTE_CRYPTO_OP_TYPE_SYMMETRIC,
+               {.sym = {
+                       .xform_type = RTE_CRYPTO_SYM_XFORM_AUTH,
+                       {.auth = {
+                               .algo = RTE_CRYPTO_AUTH_SNOW3G_UIA2,
+                               .block_size = 16,
+                               .key_size = {
+                                       .min = 16,
+                                       .max = 16,
+                                       .increment = 0
+                               },
+                               .digest_size = {
+                                       .min = 4,
+                                       .max = 4,
+                                       .increment = 0
+                               },
+                               .iv_size = {
+                                       .min = 16,
+                                       .max = 16,
+                                       .increment = 0
+                               }
+                       }, }
+               }, }
+       },
+       {       /* SNOW 3G (UEA2) */
+               .op = RTE_CRYPTO_OP_TYPE_SYMMETRIC,
+               {.sym = {
+                       .xform_type = RTE_CRYPTO_SYM_XFORM_CIPHER,
+                       {.cipher = {
+                               .algo = RTE_CRYPTO_CIPHER_SNOW3G_UEA2,
+                               .block_size = 16,
+                               .key_size = {
+                                       .min = 16,
+                                       .max = 16,
+                                       .increment = 0
+                               },
+                               .iv_size = {
+                                       .min = 16,
+                                       .max = 16,
+                                       .increment = 0
+                               }
+                       }, }
+               }, }
+       },
+       {       /* AES CTR */
+               .op = RTE_CRYPTO_OP_TYPE_SYMMETRIC,
+               {.sym = {
+                       .xform_type = RTE_CRYPTO_SYM_XFORM_CIPHER,
+                       {.cipher = {
+                               .algo = RTE_CRYPTO_CIPHER_AES_CTR,
+                               .block_size = 16,
+                               .key_size = {
+                                       .min = 16,
+                                       .max = 32,
+                                       .increment = 8
+                               },
+                               .iv_size = {
+                                       .min = 16,
+                                       .max = 16,
+                                       .increment = 0
+                               }
+                       }, }
+               }, }
+       },
+       {       /* NULL (AUTH) */
+               .op = RTE_CRYPTO_OP_TYPE_SYMMETRIC,
+               {.sym = {
+                       .xform_type = RTE_CRYPTO_SYM_XFORM_AUTH,
+                       {.auth = {
+                               .algo = RTE_CRYPTO_AUTH_NULL,
+                               .block_size = 1,
+                               .key_size = {
+                                       .min = 0,
+                                       .max = 0,
+                                       .increment = 0
+                               },
+                               .digest_size = {
+                                       .min = 0,
+                                       .max = 0,
+                                       .increment = 0
+                               },
+                               .iv_size = { 0 }
+                       }, },
+               }, },
+       },
+       {       /* NULL (CIPHER) */
+               .op = RTE_CRYPTO_OP_TYPE_SYMMETRIC,
+               {.sym = {
+                       .xform_type = RTE_CRYPTO_SYM_XFORM_CIPHER,
+                       {.cipher = {
+                               .algo = RTE_CRYPTO_CIPHER_NULL,
+                               .block_size = 1,
+                               .key_size = {
+                                       .min = 0,
+                                       .max = 0,
+                                       .increment = 0
+                               },
+                               .iv_size = {
+                                       .min = 0,
+                                       .max = 0,
+                                       .increment = 0
+                               }
+                       }, },
+               }, }
+       },
+       {       /* ZUC (EEA3) */
+               .op = RTE_CRYPTO_OP_TYPE_SYMMETRIC,
+               {.sym = {
+                       .xform_type = RTE_CRYPTO_SYM_XFORM_CIPHER,
+                       {.cipher = {
+                               .algo = RTE_CRYPTO_CIPHER_ZUC_EEA3,
+                               .block_size = 16,
+                               .key_size = {
+                                       .min = 16,
+                                       .max = 16,
+                                       .increment = 0
+                               },
+                               .iv_size = {
+                                       .min = 16,
+                                       .max = 16,
+                                       .increment = 0
+                               }
+                       }, }
+               }, }
+       },
+       {       /* ZUC (EIA3) */
+               .op = RTE_CRYPTO_OP_TYPE_SYMMETRIC,
+               {.sym = {
+                       .xform_type = RTE_CRYPTO_SYM_XFORM_AUTH,
+                       {.auth = {
+                               .algo = RTE_CRYPTO_AUTH_ZUC_EIA3,
+                               .block_size = 16,
+                               .key_size = {
+                                       .min = 16,
+                                       .max = 16,
+                                       .increment = 0
+                               },
+                               .digest_size = {
+                                       .min = 4,
+                                       .max = 4,
+                                       .increment = 0
+                               },
+                               .iv_size = {
+                                       .min = 16,
+                                       .max = 16,
+                                       .increment = 0
+                               }
+                       }, }
+               }, }
+       },
 static const struct rte_security_capability dpaa2_sec_security_cap[] = {
        { /* IPsec Lookaside Protocol offload ESP Transport Egress */
@@ -415,6 +589,24 @@ static const struct rte_security_capability 
dpaa2_sec_security_cap[] = {
                .crypto_capabilities = dpaa2_sec_capabilities
+       { /* PDCP Lookaside Protocol offload Data */
+               .protocol = RTE_SECURITY_PROTOCOL_PDCP,
+               .pdcp = {
+                       .domain = RTE_SECURITY_PDCP_MODE_DATA,
+                       .capa_flags = 0
+               },
+               .crypto_capabilities = dpaa2_pdcp_capabilities
+       },
+       { /* PDCP Lookaside Protocol offload Control */
+               .protocol = RTE_SECURITY_PROTOCOL_PDCP,
+               .pdcp = {
+                       .domain = RTE_SECURITY_PDCP_MODE_CONTROL,
+                       .capa_flags = 0
+               },
+               .crypto_capabilities = dpaa2_pdcp_capabilities
+       },
                .action = RTE_SECURITY_ACTION_TYPE_NONE

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