Hallo Thomas, all,

wahrscheinlich hast Du es schon im issue gelesen, aber trotzdem nochmal zur Info.

Liz hat sich erneut zu der "Stylist-Frage" geäußert:

------- Additional comments from [EMAIL PROTECTED] Fri Jan 28 10:43:42 -0800 2005 -------
At present, I think this is a cultural issue and must be decided for each language. I've heard that someone is going to contact SO marketing, so that should be interesting, but from what I can tell so far, the localizations should make their own choice.

It is not uncommon that the translation into a target language differs from the source language. In Italian, "Stylist" was kept, for example, without any fuss at all. It may be wise to introduce "Stylist" back into the German version (after all it was invented by a German in the first place), but as far as I can tell from the various messages on several mailing lists, the English speakers prefer Styles and Formatting because it is clear and finally means something, whereas several people were confused or put off by the "hairdresser" term "stylist". Marketing is definitely cultural to an extent. Not everything can be universally applied.

I also feel that if the voting were to be more meaningful, it would be by language. My initial impression is that German and French are the groups that want Stylist name back. That is not reason for me to change the English because those are completely different markets/audiences.

Holding the issue to see what happens next...

Schönen Gruß,


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