Hi Arnout and all.

Le lun. 10 févr. 2025 à 12:11, Arnout Engelen <enge...@apache.org> a écrit :
> On Mon, Feb 10, 2025 at 11:45 AM Gilles Sadowski <gillese...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
> > Le lun. 10 févr. 2025 à 11:25, Arnout Engelen <enge...@apache.org> a
> > écrit :
> > > Do you mean we should leave out the whole line or just the "Thanks to
> > > Dependabot" part?
> >
> > The whole line.
> >
> > > I tried to follow the convention from other Commons projects where each
> > > dependency update gets such a line in the changelog.
> >
> > Well, the "convention" in math-related components was to follow the
> > previous convention. ;-)  Which was to do such dependency updates
> > when deemed necessary (by a human), usually at the latest before a
> > release.
> >
> > > I don't mind the lines
> > > in the change log too much (it seems useful to see what got updated,
> > > especially when we group update lines in the log).
> >
> > Information is useful; such updates "inter-releases" is not IMHO.
> >
> > As it stands, I prefer to not rely on Dependabot to do the change; the
> > useful part of that tool is to make checks, and "say" that it would be
> > harmless to update.
> >
> Gotcha, I didn't realize different commons- components had different ways
> of working here, sorry about that.

No need to; it's great that you'd care for all components. :-)

> So for commons-math, you'd prefer Dependabot PRs to be created but not
> merged (or at least not during regular development), right? Shall I
> configure a '[not for merge]' prefix (
> https://docs.github.com/en/code-security/dependabot/dependabot-version-updates/customizing-dependabot-prs#adding-a-prefix-to-commit-messages)
> for the generated commit/PR titles? Otherwise I'm sure I'll forget and run
> afoul of this again :).

Not sure about this.  [From the get go, I'm GH averse (reasons
not TBD here.]

To indirectly answer everyone who gave their (rightful) opinions
about why they do what they do, my take is the following, for the
components for which I (or lately Alex) do the RM work:
 * dependencies are upgraded when deemed appropriate by a
   real developer[1], not a robot, or
 * dependencies are upgraded to the latest (and only supported)
   version of the component in question, as preparation for the


[1] Who is involved in the ongoing work of modularizing Commons
Math (which is how the dependencies in question have come about).
It is a (good) side-effect of the modularization initiative that more
automation is possible, but what I actually mean is that whenever
any math-related component is released, a post-release task
_should_ be performed: upgrade all other math-related components
that depend on it.  Sometimes this is forgotten.  Sorry about that.
And Gary will be right to say that it's what "Dependabot" is for... ;-)
So indeed, I'd prefer a "reminder" (automated or not), in case we
forgot that post-release step (that should be considered mandatory
in the math-related components "ecosystem").  Also, that step _must_
be trivial because one of the pre-release step should be to ensure
that the newest release does not unintentionally break any of its
dependents (and if it does it intentionally, then corresponding JIRA
tickets must be filed in each dependent's project).

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