> On Jul 26, 2020, at 9:53 AM, Peter Lee <peter...@apache.org> wrote:
> Hi Stefan, Rob, Gilles, Gary and all,
> Please calm.
> I was just talking that I'm so busy recently ( Too busy in the daytime that I
> got home after 12p.m. these days :( ) .I didn't check my mailbox after my
> last replay in this thread. Really sorry for my late reply.
> I'm not complaining. I personally like the dependency bot but I'm just not
> familiar with it yet.
> English is not my first language so I may misused some words. I'm sorry if I
> used some words that are not proper enough.
You don’t have to apologize! There are a considerable number of folks on the
list whose second language is English. We’re happy to have everyone chime in.
It makes us a stronger community. :-)
> Sincely,
> Lee
>> On 7 24 2020, at 5:47, Gilles Sadowski <gillese...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hi Stefan and all.
>> 2020-07-24 8:35 UTC+02:00, Stefan Bodewig <bode...@apache.org>:
>>>> On 2020-07-24, Rob Tompkins wrote:
>>>>>> On Jul 23, 2020, at 10:16 PM, Matt Sicker <boa...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>> Also, how different is a bot proposing a dependency update from a human
>>>>> doing the same? The bot includes far more context about the update in
>>>>> the
>>>>> PR comment, too, which is super useful for determining whether or not
>>>>> the
>>>>> dependency is worth updating. You can even configure it to only notify
>>>>> about security updates if it’s too noisy.
>>>> I don’t understand how substantive forward progress on a project can be
>>>> considered noisy. It’s just audit.
>>> Oh my, please calm down.
>> I didn't "feel" that any of the posts in this thread had an
>> angry tone, not any more than mine at the beginning of
>> the other thread.
>> Peter's remark, as yours, as mine, makes 3 people asking a
>> simple question about an as yet unknown source of emails
>> (that could therefore be qualified as "unsolicited").
>> Perhaps the three of us needed that _prior_ discussion on
>> "dev@" (i.e. present the proposal) rather than an after the
>> fact terse statement akin to "go figure yourself".
>> Perhaps we needed just that extra little time of a "human"
>> conversation to be convinced and not even blink at the
>> subsequent automated emails.
>> So a list of "bot" statements (in MD format) is now a good
>> enough substitute for that "conversation" (?).
>> That's the kind of "progress" which GitHub brings (along
>> with truly good things, I don't doubt, but which are not
>> what is being pointed at).
>>> Peter just said he hasn't been reading mails for a few days, is
>>> overwhelmed now and will need time to review what has happened. He
>>> didn't complain, he was apologizing for not responding immediately -
>>> which he shouldn't feel was necessary IMHO.
>> Certainly not he.
>> Regards,
>> Gilles
>>> Stefan
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