On 2020-07-24, Rob Tompkins wrote:

>> On Jul 23, 2020, at 10:16 PM, Matt Sicker <boa...@gmail.com> wrote:

>> Also, how different is a bot proposing a dependency update from a human
>> doing the same? The bot includes far more context about the update in the
>> PR comment, too, which is super useful for determining whether or not the
>> dependency is worth updating. You can even configure it to only notify
>> about security updates if it’s too noisy.

> I don’t understand how substantive forward progress on a project can be 
> considered noisy. It’s just audit.

Oh my, please calm down.

Peter just said he hasn't been reading mails for a few days, is
overwhelmed now and will need time to review what has happened. He
didn't complain, he was apologizing for not responding immediately -
which he shouldn't feel was necessary IMHO.


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