Hi Sergio,

build works fine with Java 1.8 on Windows 10. However, the site build
fails for me with the following error:

[INFO] Reactor Summary:
[INFO] Commons RDF ........................................ FAILURE [
52.831 s]
[INFO] Commons RDF API .................................... SKIPPED
[INFO] Commons RDF impl: Simple ........................... SKIPPED
[INFO] Commons RDF impl: RDF4j ............................ SKIPPED
[INFO] Commons RDF impl: Jena ............................. SKIPPED
[INFO] Commons RDF impl: JSON-LD Java ..................... SKIPPED
[INFO] Commons RDF Integration tests ...................... SKIPPED
[INFO] Total time: 55.134 s
[INFO] Finished at: 2017-11-22T22:19:47+01:00
[INFO] Final Memory: 65M/703M
[ERROR] Failed to execute goal
org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-site-plugin:3.6:site (default-cli) on
project commons-rdf-parent: Error generating
maven-checkstyle-plugin:2.12.1:checkstyle-aggregate: Failed during
checkstyle configuration: cannot initialize module TreeWalker - Property
'ignoreAnnotationCanonicalNames' in module VisibilityModifier does not
exist, please check the documentation -> [Help 1]

A problem with the version of the checkstyle plugin?

Some other notes:
* NOTICE has the wrong copyright year. I think this needs to be fixed.
* The project does not release binary artifacts. This is probably okay,
but unusual for Commons. It would be nice if you could add a binary
distribution - maybe for the 1.0 release.


Am 19.11.2017 um 23:08 schrieb Sergio Fernández:
> Hi,
> once we addressed most of the issues from RC1, I'd like to propose to
> release Apache Commons RDF 0.5.0 based on RC2.
> Apache Commons RDF aims to provide a common Java API for RDF 1.1 graphs and
> datasets. API bindings in Commons RDF 0.5.0 include Apache Jena, Eclipse
> RDF4J, JSON-LD Java as well as a standalone implementation (simple).
> Apache Commons RDF 0.5.0 RC2 is available for review at (r23205):
> https://dist.apache.org/repos/dist/dev/commons/rdf/apache-commons-rdf-0.5.0-RC2/
> The source code for this RC is available from git tagged as 0.5.0-RC2
> (commit 186df0c36981a308338792f02d93fc59776b0b7c):
> https://git-wip-us.apache.org/repos/asf?p=commons-rdf.git;a=commit;h=186df0c36981a308338792f02d93fc59776b0b7c
> Mirrored at
> https://github.com/apache/commons-rdf/commit/186df0c36981a308338792f02d93fc59776b0b7c
> This source release produces the following binary artifacts:
> commons-rdf-parent-0.5.0
> commons-rdf-api-0.5.0
> commons-rdf-simple-0.5.0
> commons-rdf-jena-0.5.0
> commons-rdf-rdf4j-0.5.0
> commons-rdf-jsonld-java-0.5.0
> commons-rdf-integration-tests-0.5.0
> The Maven Staging repository can be found at:
> https://repository.apache.org/content/repositories/orgapachecommons-1293
> Please vote on releasing this release candidate as:
> Apache Commons RDF 0.5.0
> The vote is open for at least 72 hours/
> [ ] +1 Release this package
> [ ] 0 I don't feel strongly about it, but don't object
> [ ] -1 Do not release this package because...
> Anyone can participate in testing and voting, not just committers,
> please feel free to try out the release candidate and provide your
> votes!
> Thanks

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