Thanks, Benedikt!

Benedikt Ritter wrote:
Hello Josh,

sebb<>  schrieb am Do., 19. Mai 2016 um 10:55 Uhr:

On 19 May 2016 at 03:14, Josh Elser<>  wrote:
Hi all,

Worked through the remaining steps for this release. dist.a.o (dev and
release) were both updated, trunk was bumped to 2.2-SNAPSHOT, nexus repo
released, reporter.a.o was updated, and the svn tag was renamed. I did
It's better to copy rather than rename.

remove the checksums on the signatures before promoting the Nexus
(thanks for pointing that out Bernd and Sebb). Just pushed all of the
fixVersion=2.1 issues out as well.

Copying from Ralph's 2.0 announcement:

The Apache Commons team is pleased to announce the release of Apache
VFS 2.1
We ought to include a paragraph on what VFS does.
The Announce will be seen much wider than just the VFS user community.
Yes, people can check the website, but a brief description would be
very helpful.

Details of the changes and bug fixes in this release can be found in
the release notes:
Likewise it would be useful to provide a short summary of the main
changes in the release.
In this case there are so many that it might be hard to summarise, so
perhaps something like:

"VFS 2.1 is binary compatible with 2.0.
It includes many new features and bug fixes; please see the release
notes for details."

The intention of adding this info is to inform potential new users why
they might want to take a look at VFS, and to inform existing users
why they might want to upgrade.

Note that at some point RELEASE_NOTES.txt became RELEASE-NOTES.txt
The former should be deleted from the web site once the announce has

For information on Commons VFS please visit the VFS website:

Commons VFS can be downloaded from the following page:

- The Apache Commons community

We'll need to do the following after the artifacts filter out to the

* Update the website [1]
* Send out the ANNOUNCE (text above)

Anything else I missed?
Any superseded releases need to be removed from dist/release.
It should be safe to do this once the announce has been sent, assuming
the process above has been followed.

Also tidy the RN files (as mentioned above).

P.S. well done and thanks for getting this far.

looks good to me!


- Josh


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