
BTW: I would use "mvn verify" instead of "mvn package" (I am  not sure what has 
changed for CP40)

(And yes the release plugin and the commons procedure for releases is a match 
in hell ,)


-----Original Message-----
From: Josh Elser <els...@apache.org>
To: Commons Developers List <dev@commons.apache.org>
Sent: Do., 05 Mai 2016 6:49
Subject: Re: [VFS] WIP specific release instructions

sebb wrote:
> Have a look at the scripts in
> http://svn.apache.org/viewvc/commons/scripts/
> I used those for VALIDATOR and NET.

Cool. Thanks for sharing. It would be good if the generic commons 
release documents referenced these if they are expected to be re-used by 
other commons projects' RMs.

> On 4 May 2016 at 04:43, Josh Elser<els...@apache.org>  wrote:
>> Here's what I've been doing. The generic instructions are woefully
>> incomplete (before someone chimes in again - no, not just because "VFS is a
>> multi-module project"). I think I have this on point for rc1, so I'm writing
>> it down here before I forget (we can figure out where it *should* go later).
>> rc0 only:
>> # Make the branch
>> $ svn cp trunk branches/VFS-XXX
>> $ cd branches/VFS-XXX
>> # Set the proper versions
>> $ mvn release:prepare
> We use a tag not a branch, but perhaps that is what the release plugin does.
> In which case I assume the branch is taken to avoid mangling trunk?

release:prepare doesn't do the tagging (this is what release:perform 
does). All it's really doing are some pre-condition checks and version 
updates. TBQH, I don't have any idea how the maven-release-plugin and 
SVN are remotely useful for the ASF's vote-then-promote process.

That said, it's ok if I don't get it. This is what worked for me and I'm 
happy with it. If there's something obvious I could have done 
differently, great.

>> ---
>> # Or just set it to your JDK6 installation -- this works on OSX
>> $ export JAVA_HOME=$(/usr/libexec/java_home -v1.6)
>> # Where ${asf.username} for me is "elserj"
>> $ mvn clean package -Duser.name=${asf.username}
> No need to use package if using CP40

What are you using instead of `package` to build the code...

>> # Set back to 1.7 because my 1.6 installation has trouble deploying to nexus
>> $ export JAVA_HOME=$(/usr/libexec/java_home -v1.7)
> So does mine; in which case use -Pjava-1.6 below.
>> $ mvn deploy -Prelease -Duser.name=${asf.username}
>> # This is what could be consolidated via one invocation of `mvn site`
>> $ mvn site:site site:stage
>> # Move back to the root SVN repo
>> $ cd ../..
>> $ svn cp branches/VFS-XXX tags/commons-vfs-project-XXX-rcN
> Isn't that what the release plugin does?
> You might find
> http://svn.apache.org/viewvc/commons/scripts/create_RC_tag.sh
> easier to use - it does it all for you without needing to create a
> temporary branch.

Cool. I didn't find these from the generic commons release document.

>> --
>> Things not covered above:
>> * Copying artifacts (tarballs/zips, xsums, and sigs) into
>> dist.a.o/dev/commons/... (building md5/sha1 files)
>> * Closing staging repo in Nexus
> That can be done using Nexus2DistDev.sh

Again, great. It would have been good to know about these beforehand.

>> --
>> Some things that could still be improved that I didn't fix:
>> * Artifacts in dist/target are renamed when they're installed/deployed, but
>> not in the local directory. Should do a rename of the file on disk so that
>> what is on the RM's computer matches what is in their m2 repo and ASF nexus.
> Or ignore the local copies and use Nexus2DistDev.sh which copies the
> bin/src artifacts from Nexus and deploys to dist/dev and can remove
> them from Nexus before closing the staging repo.
> AFAIK only the deploy directory (i.e. Nexus) has the hashes.
>> * `mvn site` which invokes site:site and site:stage automatically (which
>> would make for a more natural build process -- `mvn deploy` would build the
>> site automatically)
> I don't follow that.

`mvn site` is invoking the "site" maven lifecycle phase. "mvn site:site` 
and `mvn site:stage` are invoking executions on the maven-site-plugin. 
These are two distinct kinds of actions. We can configure the 
maven-site-plugin (and/or other necessary tasks) to run at the 'site' 
lifecycle phase for a more 'natural' process.

>> Again, for now, this is just for my benefit. When this is all over, I'll try
>> to add this all to the website. Please point out anything wrong/missing.
>> Thanks.
>> - Josh
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