Here's what I've been doing. The generic instructions are woefully incomplete (before someone chimes in again - no, not just because "VFS is a multi-module project"). I think I have this on point for rc1, so I'm writing it down here before I forget (we can figure out where it *should* go later).

rc0 only:
# Make the branch
$ svn cp trunk branches/VFS-XXX
$ cd branches/VFS-XXX
# Set the proper versions
$ mvn release:prepare


# Or just set it to your JDK6 installation -- this works on OSX
$ export JAVA_HOME=$(/usr/libexec/java_home -v1.6)

# Where ${asf.username} for me is "elserj"
$ mvn clean package${asf.username}

# Set back to 1.7 because my 1.6 installation has trouble deploying to nexus
$ export JAVA_HOME=$(/usr/libexec/java_home -v1.7)

$ mvn deploy -Prelease${asf.username}

# This is what could be consolidated via one invocation of `mvn site`
$ mvn site:site site:stage

# Move back to the root SVN repo
$ cd ../..
$ svn cp branches/VFS-XXX tags/commons-vfs-project-XXX-rcN


Things not covered above:

* Copying artifacts (tarballs/zips, xsums, and sigs) into dist.a.o/dev/commons/... (building md5/sha1 files)
* Closing staging repo in Nexus


Some things that could still be improved that I didn't fix:

* Artifacts in dist/target are renamed when they're installed/deployed, but not in the local directory. Should do a rename of the file on disk so that what is on the RM's computer matches what is in their m2 repo and ASF nexus.

* `mvn site` which invokes site:site and site:stage automatically (which would make for a more natural build process -- `mvn deploy` would build the site automatically)

Again, for now, this is just for my benefit. When this is all over, I'll try to add this all to the website. Please point out anything wrong/missing. Thanks.

- Josh

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