On Tue, Nov 24, 2015 at 3:06 PM, Thomas Neidhart
<thomas.neidh...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On 11/24/2015 09:55 PM, Uwe Barthel wrote:
>>> I've updated JXPATH to Java 7. There is a lot of work to update the code
>>> base to use Java 7 languages features and APIs. I invite everybody to join
>>> me hereā€¦
>> Do you like to start these changes before or after the release 1.4?
>> I prefer to create the release as soon as possible and start rework on that 
>> baseline.
> If the idea is to roll out a bugfix release that people are awaiting
> then I do not see the point in updating the minimum java version and
> changing the code to use new language / jdk features.
> This will just limit the use of the bugfix release, as not every
> application using it will have been upgraded already. Also, every change
> might introduce another problem, but this is up to the judgement of the
> maintainer(s).
> For the release afterwards (i.e. 1.5), I think it is fine to apply all
> the changes, and updating the minimum java version in minor releases is
> ok and has been done for other components already.

I really want to see JXPath get e.g. generics. That said, there is
wisdom in leaving that until after the immediate release. I don't have
the patience for acting as RM, but I think I'll have a few spare
cycles to work on upgrades. What does everyone think about creating a
branch for this work?


> Just my 2 cents
> Thomas
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