Java 7 seems OK to me, though if the code builds and test OK with Java
1.6, why not leave it at that?

Just because Java 1.6 is EOL does not mean that Java 1.6-compatible
code will stop working.

So long as the Java runtime used to run the code is updated to a
currently supported version of Java, that is enough to ensure that any
JVM bugs are fixed.

On 22 November 2015 at 15:19, James Ring <> wrote:
> Unfortunately Android still uses Java 7, if you want Android
> developers to be able to use the library then I think you should
> target 7.
> On Sun, Nov 22, 2015 at 7:12 AM, Benedikt Ritter <> wrote:
>> Okay, so we go with Java 8? Doesn't feel like it has reached enough market
>> penetration yet. But I don't know numbers about that.
>> 2015-11-22 15:20 GMT+01:00 Dave Brosius <>:
>>> As has java 7 reached end of life.
>>> On 11/22/2015 09:06 AM, Benedikt Ritter wrote:
>>>> I'm fine with Java 7, since Java 6 has already reached EOL.
>>>> 2015-11-21 19:48 GMT+01:00 Gary Gregory <>:
>>>> I'd go with Java 7.
>>>>> Gary
>>>>> On Nov 21, 2015 3:50 AM, "Benedikt Ritter" <> wrote:
>>>>> Hi,
>>>>>> any preference on which Java Version JXPath 1.4 target? Currently the
>>>>> build
>>>>>> is set to 1.3. I've only Java 1.6, 1.7 1.8 and 1.9 installed on my
>>>>> machine,
>>>>>> so I won't be able to test with 1.3, 1.4 and 1.5. Further more I don't
>>>>> see
>>>>>> a reason to keep support for such old Java versions.
>>>>>> Thoughts?
>>>>>> Benedikt
>>>>>> --
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