On 2/7/15 1:53 PM, Alina Ciobanu wrote:
> Hello,
> I finally figured out my schedule for this summer and the conclusion is that 
> I would be able to dedicate about 20 hours per week for the GSoC project. As 
> far as I understand, this is about half of what is expected from a GSoC 
> student, so unfortunately I think I should not apply this year. I want to 
> contribute to the Commons Math library nonetheless.

Patches / review / ideas are always welcome!

> Best regards,
> Alina
>       From: Thomas Neidhart <thomas.neidh...@gmail.com>
>  To: Commons Developers List <dev@commons.apache.org> 
>  Sent: Tuesday, February 3, 2015 1:17 AM
>  Subject: Re: [Math] Contributions to the clustering module (maybe GSoC)
> On 02/02/2015 10:36 PM, Alina Ciobanu wrote:
>> Hello Thomas,
>> Thank you for the answer. I hope I will be able to clarify my schedule for 
>> the summer in about a week from now and I will decide whether I should apply 
>> to GSoC this year or not. I will let you know as soon as I can. Until then, 
>> I will shortly describe my first ideas below:
>> 1. Spectral clustering [1] - It basically maps the data in a 
>> lower-dimensional space (relying on the eigenvectors of the similarity 
>> matrix) and performs (k-means) clustering there. This method can resolve a 
>> wide variety of problems, regardless of the form of the clusters. It could 
>> be implemented efficiently using the Commons Math linear algebra module.
>> 2. Mean shift algorithm [2] - I didn't grasp all the details of the 
>> algorithm yet, but I find it very interesting. As far as I understand, it 
>> has been primarily used in pattern recognition and computer vision. I 
>> discovered it while searching for an algorithm that does not require the 
>> number of clusters as input parameter. I think it would be a good addition 
>> to Commons Math besides DBSCAN, from this point of view.
>> 3. Clustering evaluation methods3.1. The Silhouette Coefficient [3] - 
>> accounts for the intra-cluster and inter-cluster distance to assign a score 
>> in [-1, 1] to a clustering.3.2. External clustering evaluation [4] - when 
>> gold standard is available for the clustered data, it can be used to asses 
>> the performance of a clustering algorithm.
>> Suggestions are more than welcome. If you have requests from users for 
>> specific clustering algorithms, please let me know.
> You proposals sound good, as a pointer to already existing feature
> requests you can take a look at:
>  * Optics algorithm - https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/MATH-1190
>  * HAC algorithm - https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/MATH-959
> Cluster evaluation would also be very interesting, I already wanted to
> do something in this direction but could not find the time.
> btw. by coincidence, we received a reminder about this years GSOC just
> today, the deadline is 13-02-2015 to submit a project proposal with
> project ideas.
> Thomas
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