On 02/01/2015 02:06 PM, Alina Ciobanu wrote:
> Hello everyone,
> My name is Alina Ciobanu. I'm a first-year Ph.D. student in computer science 
> (NLP) at the Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science, University of 
> Bucharest, Romania. I am interested in contributing to the Apache Commons 
> Math library. My idea is to work on the clustering module, to implement 
> spectral clustering, maybe also the mean shift algorithm, and some clustering 
> validation methods. Would you please tell me if you think that such a 
> contribution would be useful to the Commons Math users? If so, I will provide 
> more details about what I have in mind. Any suggestions are welcome.
> I am also thinking about applying to Google Summer of Code this year. I 
> haven't decided yet because I am not sure, at this moment, if my schedule for 
> this summer would allow it. Thus, this question is only in perspective: would 
> anyone from the Commons Math community be interested in mentoring a GSoC 
> project (on the clustering module, as described above, or on something 
> related)?
> Best regards,Alina Ciobanu

Hi Alina,

good to hear about your interest on commons-math. New contributions are
very welcome, and we have indeed several feature requests to add new
clustering algorithms.

I am certainly interested in mentoring you for GSOC, but there are maybe
also others that can help with that here.

Just let us know what you want to do early on so that we can prepare


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