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> Am 01.02.2015 um 07:04 schrieb Stefan Bodewig <>:
> Hi
> I'm trying to bring together two separate discussions from two different
> [VOTE]-threads.  It seems as if I should cancel the RC2 vote and before
> I rush another RC maybe we can get consensus on what to do.
> * my experiments show that moving the LZWInputStream class hasn't got as
>  big an impact on subclasses of ZCompressorInputStream as I and others
>  would have expected.  This likely means we can relax the warning of
>  the release notes and site again.  Right?  Is anybody going to perform
>  more experiments?

I think we're safe to asume that the change will not break clients.

> * (Internal)LZWInputStream has a bunch of protected fields that slipped
>  through a few releases ago.  We should add getter/setter pairs and
>  deprecate using the fields.  Sebb would like to even make the fields
>  private assuming the chance of people actually subclassing
>  ZCompressorInputStream and using said fields is very small.

Even creating getters and setters and deprecating the fields is the way to go 
here, IMHO.

> Any opinions?
> Stefan
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