On 13 January 2014 11:08, Mark Thomas <ma...@apache.org> wrote:
> On 12/01/2014 23:10, sebb wrote:
>>> Removing the 1.4.x build should help too.
>> If only.
>> It's marginally better now, as the branch temporarily shows up as
>> Apache Commons DBCP 1.5-SNAPSHOT in the Group summary, but click on
>> the project and it all reverts to 1.4 and the old branch. I've tried
>> deleting the old project several times; it disappears but clearly is
>> still around in the background messing things up.
> Probably because the .pom in the 1.5.x branch was pointing to the source
> for the 1.4.x branch. I've fixed that, removed the 1.4.x build and
> re-added the 1.5.x build and all looks to be OK now.

Good catch!


> Mark
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