On 1/12/14, 9:46 AM, Mark Thomas wrote:
> On 12/01/2014 17:33, Phil Steitz wrote:
>> I am curious why we have a 1.5 branch.  Are there new features (not
>> just bug fixes) relative to 1.3/1.4 in there?
> JDBC 4.1 support.
>> Also, do you guys think it might be time to officially drop 1.3?
> No objection from me.
>> Getting the the combined 1.3/1.4 release scripts to work in the new
>> regime is not something that I personally look forward to.  Just
>> pushing out a 1.4.1 would be easier.
> My expectation has been that 1.4.x would be auto-generated from the
> 1.5.x branch. If that is not the case there is stuff to be manually
> back-ported.

Probably we can play the same source filtering games we did before. 
That should not be too hard (actually, IIRC, you sort of already did
it).  The problem is getting the release artifacts created and
deployed from the filtered / non-filtered sources.  Again, not too
hard, just requires some scripting that has to be updated.  I guess
the question is do we want to maintain a JDBC 4.1 branch with the
old API / pool version.  If no, we could just cut 1.4.x releases and
2.x releases and not have to worry about source filtering.  Seems
reasonable to say to get 4.1, you need to move to 2.0.

> Mark
>> Phil
>> On 1/11/14, 7:06 PM, sebb wrote:
>>> I've been trying to add a Continuum build for the 1_5 branch, but it won't 
>>> take.
>>> This may perhaps be due to the fact that the 1_4 branch also uses the
>>> same version, i.e.
>>> 1.4.1-SNAPSHOT
>>> Is this intended, or should the 1_5 branch be using a different version?
>>> If the version could (should) be changed, that might work round the
>>> Continuum bug
>>> [I think it may be making unwarranted assumptions about which
>>> identifiers are unique]
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