Vote closed, results were:

Damjan Jovanovic

No other votes were cast.

Vote fails since majority approval needs at least 3 votes of +1 ->
aborting release.


On Sun, Nov 24, 2013 at 6:54 PM, Damjan Jovanovic <> wrote:
> Please vote on releasing commons-imaging 1.0 from RC7.
> Last failed vote was for RC5, RC6 had a bust POM. Many improvements
> were made since:
> * PMD configured better and all PMD warnings fixed, the ones remaining
> now are bugs in PMD itself.
> * Test coverage greatly improved in many areas, only a few packages
> now have < 50% coverage, and that's due to obscure TIFF photometric
> interpreters and PSD data parsers that require special images to test
> which Imaging can't itself generate, a massive barely used
> semi-obsolete Debug class that drags down coverage for
> org.apache.commons.imaging.util, and areas of code I don't understand
> and so can't easily test (ICC, PSD). While improving test coverage, I
> also found and fixed 2 bugs.
> * Added package-level Javadoc for image formats.
> * RAT exclusions for text-based images, and made a single info.txt
> with image formation for all images and added a license header to it.
> * Fixed Jacoco configuration in the POM and started using it instead
> of that 40+ minute Cobertura nonsense.
> * Fixed website broken links.
> * Also started assembling a list of why making releases is such a
> pain, email coming later :).
> Imaging 1.0 RC7 is available here:
> (SVN revision 3671)
> Maven artifacts:
> Change log(s):
> Tag:
> (SVN revision 1544953)
> Site:
> I have tested it with OpenJDK 6 on FreeBSD 9.1.
> Please review and vote. This vote will close no sooner than 72 hours
> from now, on Wednesday 27 November 2013 at 19:00 GMT.
> [ ] +1 Release these artifacts
> [ ] +0 OK, but...
> [ ] -0 OK, but really should fix...
> [ ] -1 I oppose this release because...
> Thank you!
> Damjan Jovanovic

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