On Tue, Nov 26, 2013 at 4:05 AM, Emmanuel Bourg <ebo...@apache.org> wrote:

> Hi Damjan,
> Le 26/11/2013 06:31, Damjan Jovanovic a écrit :
> > Firstly, we discussed several options before for the 1.0 release, and
> > agreed that the contents of trunk would be quickly pushed out as 1.0
> > with minimal changes (many/most users are using 1.0-SNAPSHOT), and
> > then the big API redesign would be 2.0. I've also been thinking of
> > doing a complete rewrite for 2.0 and only pulling in some of the good
> > bits we have now. So it's extremely discouraging to be pushed for more
> > and more changes, many of which will have no post-1.x value, and don't
> > even fit in with what was originally agreed on.
> Sorry for the late review. I'm not opposed to the release and I won't
> mind if you prefer to ignore my feedback :)
> > It looks like CachingInputStream is used by IccProfileParser, and
> > appears to be used to store data that has been read from the
> > underlying stream so it can be re-read later. You can copy it to
> > commons-io, but I'd prefer not having a runtime dependency on it. And
> > it's ByteSourceInputStream you really want in commons-io and/or
> > commons-compress, a gem that allows seeking over an InputStream.
> I would be possible to avoid a runtime dependency by shading the classes.

That's not necessary, the POM shows this is a test-only dependency.


> > Enum vs public static final, hmm.
> I don't think that makes any difference performance wise, in both cases
> it leads to a comparison of references.
> > Thank you, but that probably broke compatibility for 1.0-SNAPSHOT
> > users, so now we have to release RC7 as 1.0 :-).
> ;)
> > Hidden Javadocs don't hide packages from IDE code completion. There is
> > only 2 choices w.r.t. packages: keeping everything in one package to
> > hide internal classes by giving them package private access, and
> > keeping classes in different packages to better structure code but
> > then having to make them public as a result (and choice 3, a pipe
> > dream, use OSGi and don't export the packages with internal classes).
> > Maybe a public factory method in a public base class returning
> > package-private subclasses would work?
> I know hiding the javadoc doesn't solve the issue, but that makes the
> documentation cleaner and less intimidating.
> Emmanuel Bourg
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