On 31 October 2013 12:05, Mark Thomas <ma...@apache.org> wrote:
> On 30/10/2013 21:36, sebb wrote:
>> On 30 October 2013 19:31, Mark Thomas <ma...@apache.org> wrote:
>>> On 30/10/2013 17:52, Mark Thomas wrote:
>>> <snip/>
>>>>   Please review the release candidate and vote.
>>>>   This vote will close no sooner that 72 hours from now
>>>>   [ ] +1 Release these artifacts
>>>>   [ ] +0 OK, but...
>>>>   [ ] -0 OK, but really should fix...
>>>>   [X] -1 I oppose this release because...
>>> I've just changed the API to break a cyclic dependency. There is
>>> definitely going to need to be another RC. I'll leave this vote open for
>>> now to give folks a chance to find any other issues.
>> The release notes mention major changes to the API, but don't mention
>> that the package name and Maven coordinates have changed from the
>> previous pool release.
> Added.

Might perhaps be worth mentioning the previous package name and Maven coords?

>  The RN should be clear that the new features,
>> bug fixes etc relate to version 1.? of the code (whatever that is).
> Added.
>> Also, there are a lot of instances of variable hiding, mainly caused
>> by local copies with the same name.
>> The ones I have checked seem to be harmless, but it may not always be
>> clear whether the code should be using the local copy or the hidden
>> copy.
> If there is a local copy, the code should be using it. The name clashes
> aren't something that particularly bothers me. I see you have fixed them
> - that works for me.


It's not unknown for name hiding to cause bugs, which is why I think
it's worth fixing.
A while back I found some code that accidentally used a local variable
when it should have updated the class field.

>> Also, the ones in LinkedBlockingDeque are completely unnecessary, for 
>> example:
> The code was copied from Harmony and deliberately only changed where
> necessary to expose the additional information required by pool. Not
> making other changes when copying code like this is a habit I've picked
> up to make it easy to sync future changes to the code. Given that future
> changes are unlikely to Harmony, I have no objection to you cleaning it
> up if you want to scratch that particular itch.

OK, done.

>> Given that this is the first release of a new package/Maven coords, it
>> would be sensible to ensure that any internal classes are clearly
>> marked as such, as that would allow them to be changed without
>> breaking the public API.
> This should already be the case with internal use only classes made
> package private. I found a few errors which I have fixed. Did you have
> anything specific in mind?

It was a general remark, I had no specific classes in mind.

BTW, as you will have seen, I updated the pom so the download page can
be created automatically in future.

> Mark
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