On 21 October 2013 18:49, Andreas Lehmkuehler <andr...@lehmi.de> wrote:
> Hi,
> Am 21.10.2013 19:33, schrieb sebb:
>> On 21 October 2013 18:27, Andreas Lehmkuehler <andr...@lehmi.de> wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> Am 21.10.2013 16:25, schrieb Damjan Jovanovic:
>>>> On Tue, Sep 25, 2012 at 3:22 PM, Gary Gregory <garydgreg...@gmail.com>
>>>> wrote:
>>>>> Hi All,
>>>>> I happy to see another RC come along! :) This is large code base so I
>>>>> appreciate that the reports generate a lot of potential work.
>>>> I planned to send this email out just over a year ago, shortly after
>>>> yours, but since we might actually get to release this time let me
>>>> send it out now for reference.
>>>> SNIP
>>> I ran a dry maven test (mvn release:prepare -DdryRun=true) and everything
>>> looks good. But I got a lot of redundant artifacts
>>> commons-imaging-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar
>>> commons-imaging-1.0-SNAPSHOT-bin.zip
>>> commons-imaging-1.0-SNAPSHOT-bin.tar.gz
>>> commons-imaging-1.0-SNAPSHOT-source-release.zip
>>> commons-imaging-1.0-SNAPSHOT-sources.jar
>>> commons-imaging-1.0-SNAPSHOT-src.zip
>>> commons-imaging-1.0-SNAPSHOT-src.tar.gz
>>> I guess those are not created with intent, are they?
>> The bin and src zip and targz archives _are_ needed; these are
>> released to the ASF mirrors.
>> [That they are attached to the project and end up in Nexus staging is
>> a long story.]
> Is this a commons policy?

The duplicate zip and tar archives are common to all commons components (AFAIK).
I think the reason for this is that not all Windows systems support
tar archives, and until recently many Unix systems did not support
Zip; also zip is bigger.

Maven releases include binary jars (obviously) as well as source and
javadocs and test jars.
The source and javadoc jars are useful for IDE debugging.
The test jar is useful for compatibility testing.

Have a look at the other components under


I think you'll find quite a lot of other projects follow much the same strategy.

> PDFBox [1] has one source archive and a couple
> of precompiled jars (one for each component and 2 bundling all neede
> components
> for 2 typical usecases).
>> source-release.zip may be spurious.
>> jar and sources.jar look like standard Maven jars.
>>>> Thank you very much
>>>> Damjan
>>> Thanks for the ongoing effort to release/work on imaging
>>> BR
>>> Andreas Lehmkühler
> BR
> Andreas Lehmkühler
> [1] http://www.apache.org/dyn/closer.cgi/pdfbox/1.8.2
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