On Tue, Sep 25, 2012 at 3:22 PM, Gary Gregory <garydgreg...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi All,
> I happy to see another RC come along! :) This is large code base so I
> appreciate that the reports generate a lot of potential work.

I planned to send this email out just over a year ago, shortly after
yours, but since we might actually get to release this time let me
send it out now for reference.

> -1: Unapproved license:
> src/main/java/org/apache/commons/imaging/formats/jpeg/segments/App14Segment.java


> Fix obvious FindBugs (to me only?):
> - Possible NPE with
> NP_IMMEDIATE_DEREFERENCE_OF_READLINE<http://findbugs.sourceforge.net/bugDescriptions.html#NP_IMMEDIATE_DEREFERENCE_OF_READLINE>@
> https://people.apache.org/~damjan/imaging-1.0rc4/xref/org/apache/commons/imaging/formats/rgbe/RgbeInfo.html#103

Findbugs false positive: it believes every method named "readLine()"
behaves like BufferedReader's. I've renamed it to "readNextLine()".

> - Is this useless or an incomplete impl?: Useless control flow in
> org.apache.commons.imaging.palette.PaletteFactory.makePaletteFancy(BufferedImage)
> UCF_USELESS_CONTROL_FLOW<http://findbugs.sourceforge.net/bugDescriptions.html#UCF_USELESS_CONTROL_FLOW>
> 54<https://people.apache.org/%7Edamjan/imaging-1.0rc4/xref/org/apache/commons/imaging/palette/PaletteFactory.html#54>

Incomplete impl, fixed now.

> -
> If we want non-standard class name (starts with a lower case, then Javadoc
> would be nice to understand why this is justified:
>       public static class tEXt extends PngText
>       public static class zTXt extends PngText
>       public static class iTXt extends PngText

Because that's the case used for PNG field markers. Converted to
standard names anyway.

> - What about the

The only reason that value is not null, is because the method
providing it hasn't been overridden - and that method is neither
private nor final so it can be overridden. Fixed anyway.

> - What about the
> FE_FLOATING_POINT_EQUALITY<http://findbugs.sourceforge.net/bugDescriptions.html#FE_FLOATING_POINT_EQUALITY>?

Probably a false positive (comparison of variables to the maximum
amongst themselves) but I worked around it.

> - IIRC, the 
> EI_EXPOSE_REP<http://findbugs.sourceforge.net/bugDescriptions.html#EI_EXPOSE_REP>issues
> are just a normal by-product of the design? Please confirm.

Yes they are.

> - PMD
>   - do the easy clean ups of "Unnecessary final modifier in final class".


>   - "Avoid empty catch blocks": Add a comment as to why the block is empty,
> for example "This exception cannot be thrown because...". This is important
> for anyone who tries to grok the code.

The name I give to the exception variable (ignore, cannotHappen)
should make it obvious.

>   - "Avoid unused method/fields/etc": Is this unimplemented code or cruft?
> If cruft, it should be removed before we give ourselves unneeded BC
> headaches.
> - CDP: lots of those but I do not know the code base enough to tell how
> easy it would be to refactor duplications and if refactoring is justified.
> - Code coverage: overall, is not great.
> These packages have 0%.code coverage.
>   - org.apache.commons.imaging.formats.transparencyfilters
>   - org.apache.commons.imaging.formats.psd.dataparsers
>   - org.apache.commons.imaging.formats.psd.datareaders
>   - org.apache.commons.imaging.icc
> Oddly org.apache.commons.imaging.util has only 17% which I would think
> would be higher since it is a util package.

Even to get that low test coverage, it already takes 40+ minutes to
run "mvn site" due to Corbertura. I've added some tests so it's > 0
now. The real "util" package is org.apache.commons.imaging.common.

> - Process
> This might be a case of RM process but when I RM I set the release date in
> changes.xml to the date I cut the RC. If the RC passes, then you are done,
> otherwise you edit it again for the next RC.

Ok thank you.

> - Javadoc
> Only 3 out of ~40 packages have comments, which makes it harder to find
> your way around.

Added a few more package comments, but the API is largely designed to
be used from the org.apache.commons.imaging.Imaging class alone.

> - Checkstyle is not strict enough
>   - IMO should always complain about missing { } in blocks.

I thought there was no official coding style for commons? But I've
added it anyway.

> There also a lot of generics warnings (in Eclipse, any IDE will tell you
> these days.)

Upgrades from Java 1.4 are never fun. These were largely fixed in
code, but tests might have a few.

> Sorry to make it a long laundry list, but there is only one 1.0 ;)

You should see what was already fixed :).

> There is probably more of course, but I have to go now...
> Gary

Thank you very much

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