Do Apache by-laws require a quorum? Was there a quorum for this vote?

On Mon, Oct 14, 2013 at 12:13 AM, Mark Thomas <> wrote:
> On 13/10/2013 23:59, sebb wrote:
>> On 13 October 2013 20:47, Phil Steitz <> wrote:
>>> On 10/13/13 8:09 AM, James Carman wrote:
>>>> Well, it has been 72 hours, so let's tally up the votes.  As I see it
>>>> (counting votes on both lists):
>>>> +1s
>>>> James Carman
>>>> Romain Manni-Bucau
>>>> Matt Benson
>>>> Benedikt Ritter
>>>> Bruno Kinoshita
>>>> Gary Gregory
>>>> Luc Maisonobe
>>>> Oliver Heger
>>>> Christian Grobmeier
>>>> Torsten Curdt
>>>> -1s
>>>> Mark Thomas
>>>> Thomas Vandahl
>>>> Damjan Jovanovic
>>>> Gilles Sadowski
>>>> Jorg Schaible
>>>> +0.5
>>>> Olivier Lamy
>>>> +0
>>>> Ralph Goers
>>>> -0
>>>> Emmanuel Bourg
>>>> The vote passes, so Apache Commons will be moving to Git for SCM.  We
>>>> should begin working on a plan.  I propose we set up a wiki page for
>>>> that.
>>> I protest.  It is fine for some components to experiment, but if we
>>> are going to force all to move, we really need consensus and that is
>>> clearly not the case here.  I did not vote as I frankly saw the VOTE
>>> as premature.  We should use VOTEs as a last resort, not a first
>>> step or way to avoid getting to consensus on non-release issues.
>> I agree entirely with Phil.
>> I would have voted -1 earlier, but was off-line for a few days.
>> This is a huge change, and should not be bulldozed through.
> I too challenge the assertion that there is consensus for this change.
> I also agree with Sebb's characterisation of this being "bulldozed through".
> I have no objection to a switch to git for those components where there
> is consensus to do so amongst the active developers.
> I continue to strongly recommend that a single component volunteers to
> be the svn->git guinea pig for Commons and that we allow that component
> to work out any issues that crop up before any mass switch starts. If
> there are no issues, great. If there are issues, better to have to deal
> with one set of them rather than 40+ sets.
> Further, if the consensus amongst the active developers on a component
> is that they wish to stick to svn, I see no why that component should be
> forced to switch to git.
> Mark
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