On Thu, Oct 17, 2013 at 12:11 AM, Benedikt Ritter <benerit...@gmail.com>wrote:

> Hi Hen,
> Send from my mobile device
> > Am 17.10.2013 um 08:24 schrieb Henri Yandell <flame...@gmail.com>:
> >
> > Wooo! I won on my first post, and by being on the fence. Be afraid when I
> > have a strong opinion, be wery, wery afraid :) Not allowed to drink
> though.
> >
> > Hacking along tonight, I'm reminded of one reason why I would like to try
> > Git in Commons. It's the only place I tend to be working on parallel
> issues
> > at the same time and I would like to stash (if that's the right verb) a
> > patch that's part ready but waiting on feedback online. I started to
> deploy
> > the site with reports based on the uncommitted code and had to abort and
> > restart.
> With git you can stash changes AND work in local branches (or push local
> branches with history to your remote). Stashing is btw supported by some
> IDE without SCM at all (I think idea can do it). Nevertheless I agree with
> you, that this is a big + for git.
> I'd say we push out lang 3.2 and use lang as a test project, if all of
> lang's developers can agree on this.
>  <dev-h...@commons.apache.org>

I'm up for that. I'll play the role of a clueless newbie, just for the sake
of testing you understand. :)


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