On 11 October 2013 20:23, Emmanuel Bourg <ebo...@apache.org> wrote:
> Le 11/10/2013 01:35, Matt Benson a écrit :
>> We're all still talking about the release process, but in all honesty I've
>> not done it for several years at Commons.  I think it would be immensely
>> helpful for those of us who have been at least part way through the process
>> fairly recently (Emmanuel, Gary, others?) to present your recollections of
>> what was difficult, so that we can have a real list of things to try and
>> address.
> Here is my quick feed back on the release process. For the record I
> prepared the release on Windows by following the 'Using Nexus for
> Commons Maven releases' guide [1]. I also took some bits from the
> 'Releasing Components' guide [2] (unifying these documents would be a
> good start).
> 1. The initial setup is a bit tedious. Generating the GPG key, uploading
> it, configuring the agent, adding the Maven settings. This is not fun
> and sometimes frustrating (I didn't set my ASF password properly in the
> Maven settings and I had to reset it twice. Nexus rejected my uploads
> with a 401 error but I didn't figure my account was locked until I found
> myself unable to commit a change in SVN). Hopefully all of this is
> performed only once.
> 2. The Nexus UI is a bit confusing when you are not used to it. Between
> User Managed Repositories, Nexus Managed Repositories and Staging
> Repositories it wasn't obvious at the first glance to see where the
> action was supposed to take place. A mini howto with annotated
> screenshots would help.
> 3. Having to drop manually the -src and -bin artifacts uploaded to Nexus
> is annoying. I gave up trying to remove the absurd .asc.sha1 and
> .asc.md5 files for JCI, there was too many of them (12 files per
> artifact, 6 artifacts).

Why removing those files? It's is strictly forbidden by any Apache
rules to have those?

> 4. Preparing the release notes is time consuming. I know it can be
> generated from JIRA but I don't find that descriptive enough. Using the
> Maven changes.xml is the best solution, but it has to be maintained
> properly during the development (it wasn't for JCI).
> 5. I created the tag manually, that was simple enough. I don't trust the
> release plugin. I guess I need some training on a dummy project. Due to
> minor errors spotted afterward I had to recreate the tag twice. So I
> suggest creating the tag only when you have reviewed everything and
> about to send the vote mail.

why creating tag manually? I believe release plugin does it.

> 6. 'mvn site:stage-deploy' doesn't work. I got the message
> "maven.site.deploy.skip = true: Skipping site deployment". This property
> is set in the parent pom! I had to tar the site, upload and install it
> manually on people.apache.org.

probably something not complicated to fix.

> 7. I would like a [VOTE] mail generator :)

Agree too.

> 8. Uploading the source and the binary archives on people.apache.org
> implies too many manual steps. This has to be automated (with a Maven
> plugin attached to the deploy phase?).

Agree too (something I wanted to do but not having time to work on it).

I don't understand why you guys are adding manual steps (whereas tools exists).

> Emmanuel Bourg
> [1] http://wiki.apache.org/commons/UsingNexus
> [2] http://commons.apache.org/releases/
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Olivier Lamy
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