On 2013-10-11, Matt Benson wrote:

> We're all still talking about the release process, but in all honesty I've
> not done it for several years at Commons.  I think it would be immensely
> helpful for those of us who have been at least part way through the process
> fairly recently (Emmanuel, Gary, others?) to present your recollections of
> what was difficult, so that we can have a real list of things to try and
> address.

Not sure whether May is recent enough :-)

AFAIR there isn't anything difficult.  The major pain point for me is
the sheer number of manual steps - with it comes a big number of
opportunities to make mistakes - and the time it takes.

One detail I just figured out after my third release was that I can
start the gpg-agent before running "mvn deploy" - and I think I've
documented that.  Without that I had to type in my passphrase for every
single artifact.

I prefer the "create the tag manually and avoid the release plugin"
approach but don't think there is a big difference here.


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