Le 11/10/2013 01:35, Matt Benson a écrit :
> We're all still talking about the release process, but in all honesty I've
> not done it for several years at Commons.  I think it would be immensely
> helpful for those of us who have been at least part way through the process
> fairly recently (Emmanuel, Gary, others?) to present your recollections of
> what was difficult, so that we can have a real list of things to try and
> address.

Here is my quick feed back on the release process. For the record I
prepared the release on Windows by following the 'Using Nexus for
Commons Maven releases' guide [1]. I also took some bits from the
'Releasing Components' guide [2] (unifying these documents would be a
good start).

1. The initial setup is a bit tedious. Generating the GPG key, uploading
it, configuring the agent, adding the Maven settings. This is not fun
and sometimes frustrating (I didn't set my ASF password properly in the
Maven settings and I had to reset it twice. Nexus rejected my uploads
with a 401 error but I didn't figure my account was locked until I found
myself unable to commit a change in SVN). Hopefully all of this is
performed only once.

2. The Nexus UI is a bit confusing when you are not used to it. Between
User Managed Repositories, Nexus Managed Repositories and Staging
Repositories it wasn't obvious at the first glance to see where the
action was supposed to take place. A mini howto with annotated
screenshots would help.

3. Having to drop manually the -src and -bin artifacts uploaded to Nexus
is annoying. I gave up trying to remove the absurd .asc.sha1 and
.asc.md5 files for JCI, there was too many of them (12 files per
artifact, 6 artifacts).

4. Preparing the release notes is time consuming. I know it can be
generated from JIRA but I don't find that descriptive enough. Using the
Maven changes.xml is the best solution, but it has to be maintained
properly during the development (it wasn't for JCI).

5. I created the tag manually, that was simple enough. I don't trust the
release plugin. I guess I need some training on a dummy project. Due to
minor errors spotted afterward I had to recreate the tag twice. So I
suggest creating the tag only when you have reviewed everything and
about to send the vote mail.

6. 'mvn site:stage-deploy' doesn't work. I got the message
"maven.site.deploy.skip = true: Skipping site deployment". This property
is set in the parent pom! I had to tar the site, upload and install it
manually on people.apache.org.

7. I would like a [VOTE] mail generator :)

8. Uploading the source and the binary archives on people.apache.org
implies too many manual steps. This has to be automated (with a Maven
plugin attached to the deploy phase?).

Emmanuel Bourg

[1] http://wiki.apache.org/commons/UsingNexus
[2] http://commons.apache.org/releases/

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