2012/2/28 Sébastien Brisard <sebastien.bris...@m4x.org>

> What framework would you suggest? JIRA? Wiki?
> When I started working on iterative linear solvers, I added a feature
> request in the Wiki, and tried to start a structured page where the
> design issues would be gathered. As it attracted only very mild (not
> to say nil) interest, I gave up, and used a mixture of mailing-list
> and JIRA. This is quick and efficient, but not (in my view) a good way
> of structuring and filing decisions (especially info exchanged on the
> ML).

Personally, I like JIRA a lot, and try to put the stuff I would like to
work on there.

> This is actually a good point. As far as I know, new committers are
> instructed on the CM website to go to the Wiki (which is but rarely
> used). Maybe we should change that and move the MathWishList to as
> many JIRA tickets as necessary? In that case, the website should be
> changed accordingly. Otherwise, we can keep the Wiki, and commit
> ourselves to using it...

When I started contributing to CM, I looked at the MathWishlist on the
wiki, but it looked a bit outdated or was lacking more details.
So I found looking at the open issues in jira an easier way to start
contributing and also communicating with other people (aside from the ML).


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