2012/2/28 Sébastien Brisard <sebastien.bris...@m4x.org>

> Hello,
> I have frequently felt the lack of more special functions in CM3. This
> has also been noticed by other users (see recent entry in the Math
> Wish List). I guess that special functions were implemented when
> needed in the distribution package. I would like to start expanding
> the CM3 capabilities in this area. As suggested, Bessel functions
> would be a good start. I propose to proceed as follows
>  - first solve MATH-718, MATH-738 and MATH-753 which are all closely
> related to special functions (that would be a good training for me!),
>  - introduce a framework for Chebyshev expansions [1], which are
> frequently met in the approximation of special functions,
>  - start working on Bessel functions.
> Questions are
>  - Do you think that would be a useful addition? If yes, I'll create
> a new ticket for discussions on an apropriate framework for Chebyshev
> expansions.
>  - Would you like us to start with another family of special
> functions (I do use Bessel functions, but any other would be equally
> fun for me!).

+1 from my side, and in general I find it a good idea to create feature
requests for things we would like to add or work on in the future by
ourselves. This may also create interest by other people to provide patches
or ideas for this features.


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