I have frequently felt the lack of more special functions in CM3. This
has also been noticed by other users (see recent entry in the Math
Wish List). I guess that special functions were implemented when
needed in the distribution package. I would like to start expanding
the CM3 capabilities in this area. As suggested, Bessel functions
would be a good start. I propose to proceed as follows
  - first solve MATH-718, MATH-738 and MATH-753 which are all closely
related to special functions (that would be a good training for me!),
  - introduce a framework for Chebyshev expansions [1], which are
frequently met in the approximation of special functions,
  - start working on Bessel functions.

Questions are
  - Do you think that would be a useful addition? If yes, I'll create
a new ticket for discussions on an apropriate framework for Chebyshev
  - Would you like us to start with another family of special
functions (I do use Bessel functions, but any other would be equally
fun for me!).

Best regards,

[1] http://dlmf.nist.gov/3.11#P3

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