> Unlike Commons, you have to be granted permission to commit at other projects 
> at the ASF and each of them have their own PMC and build their own 
> communities.  Commons is a single community and thus it makes sense for 
> developers to be able to easily switch between sub projects. Having 
> commonality between the projects encourages that as it means you don't have 
> to figure out what style settings you need as you switch between projects.

I continue seeing it an imposition that can be avoided, since not
everybody commits in each component.
I switched across components and I just respected the original code
format (well, not always true, because I reformatted Discovery and
still regret for it) - that doesn't mean that style was always the
same, since each component defined its own config (and often the
exception rules)

If a common style has to be applied to all commons components, IMHO a
VOTE should be subjected to the PMC

my 2 cents, best,


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