On Fri, Feb 10, 2012 at 9:38 PM, James Carman
<ja...@carmanconsulting.com> wrote:
> On Fri, Feb 10, 2012 at 11:44 PM, Henri Yandell <flame...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> I'd have thought they'd be fine.
>> A Java6 user using 1.1 upgrading to 1.2 would be able to drop it in.
>> A Java5 user wouldn't, but that's dropping support not binary 
>> incompatibility.
> So, would any new features and bug fixes for 1.1 have to be released
> as 1.1.x for the Java 5 folks' sake?


I'd accept that if we had a security issue, that 1.1.x would be
necessary for the Java 5'ers, but we've never had a security issue so
I've no reason to expect one.

> I think this is somewhat of a moot point, since there are fewer and
> fewer people using Java 5 these days (even my company is on Java 6
> surprisingly).  I'm all about charging forward.  I just don't want to
> paint ourselves in a corner.

We paint ourselves into a corner whenever we assume statements are
unchangeable. Even in my statement above I reserve the right to vote
+1 on a 1.1.x that has some valuable new feature. I take it as a given
that 'business' is fluid :)


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