On Feb 10, 2012, at 7:18 AM, Mark Thomas wrote:

> On 10/02/2012 14:41, Ralph Goers wrote:
>> In many cases the differences between Java 5 and 6 aren't noticeable.
>> If the project doesn't require anything from Java 6, why require it?
>> I'm sure there are quite a few places where it is still being used
>> despite the end of support.
> I think there are several reasons:
> - It strikes me as odd to release a new version of a component - such as
> pool2 - targeting a version of the JVM that is already effectively obsolete.
> - There are some platforms (I am thinking primarily of OSX) where
> getting ones hands on a Java 5 implementation requires a fair amount of
> jumping through hoops. [1]
> - Pool2 feeds dbcp2 and Java6 includes JDBC4 which is not backwards
> compatible with JDBC3. DBCP is already jumping through hoops with
> 1.3/1.4 and targeting Java6 makes DBCP easier
> - Something we have seen in Tomcat is JVM bugs not being fixed in older
> releases. The fewer older JVM versions we target, the less likely we are
> to hit these sorts of bugs. Granted, I haven't seen any of this in
> Commons. Yet.
> Some of these arguments are pool2 specific but overall, my preference is
> for targeting the lowest currently supported version of the JVM unless
> there is a compelling argument not to.

I don't think any of your examples negates my recommendation.  It sounds like 
you have a proper justification for using Java 6 for Pool2.  

I disagree that just because free support is no longer available for Java 5 
that that means it still isn't being used and developed against.


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