On 9/10/11 8:18 AM, sebb wrote:
> On 10 September 2011 16:09, Phil Steitz <phil.ste...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Could be I am misunderstanding the proposal here, but IIUC there is another 
>> problem when it comes to release jars.  Current practice is to create the 
>> jars from what ends up being the final RC tag.  This tag is then either 
>> copied or moved to the release tag, which becomes the definitive source.  So 
>> at the time the jar is created, the tag/revision pair that the build number 
>> should point to does not exist.  The only choice would seem then to be to 
>> reference the RC tag which may end up deleted.  So again, it would seem 
>> better to me to either omit the attribute from release jars or just use the 
>> (anticipated) final release tag name.
> Tag rename/copy history unfortunately shows the repo revision at the
> time of the copy which makes it quite hard to know what revision was
> actually used for the build. You have to scan the history to check for
> changes.
> The point is just to record what was used to create the jars.
> Yes, this will differ from the final tag, but having the information
> is better than not having it, IMO.

Not sure I agree.  Seems to me the whole point of having a release
tag - the final one that should really be immutable, is that it
points unambiguously to the source used to build the distribution. 
Why do we need to complicate things by referencing revision numbers
of (possibly deleted) RC tags?
> Note:
> One solution to all this uncertainty is to abandon RCs, and just use
> revision numbers.
> If the vote fails, bump the revision number and throw away the old
> revision and tag. This is what Tomcat and Httpd do.

Can you explain exactly how that works?

>> Phil
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