On 4/10/11 11:44 PM, Jörg Schaible wrote:
> Hi Hen,
> Henri Yandell wrote:
>> On Sun, Apr 10, 2011 at 1:43 PM, Phil Steitz <phil.ste...@gmail.com>
> [snip]
>>> * One last nit - why did we decide to dump the Ant build. Version
>>> 2.6 seems to have a working Ant build. Why wouldn't the same build
>>> work for 3.0. If you are OK with this, I will try to get the Ant
>>> build restored.
>> IIRC, because no one was maintaining it. I've dumped other Ant builds
>> in other components too over the last 4 years (along with maven1
>> builds). I'm generally -1 to the "there are many ways to build it"
>> approach. It takes the pain of dealing with one build system and
>> increases it to 3x the pain. [manage build1, manage build2 and then
>> ensure build1 and build2 stay in sync].
> Same here. Why deliver two build scripts .. is anybody actually keen on 
> ensuring that both builds generate the same stuff? What do we vote on then?
We vote on what goes to dist/

The point of keeping a working Ant build is for users who want to
build from source and are not Maven users (many, many users in the
real world). 

> - Jörg
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