On 13/03/2011 16:45, Phil Steitz wrote:
> On Mar 13, 2011, at 1:24 AM, Mark Thomas <ma...@apache.org> wrote:
>> On 12/03/2011 18:03, Phil Steitz wrote:
>>> On 3/12/11 10:41 AM, Mark Thomas wrote:
>>>> On 12/03/2011 15:52, Phil Steitz wrote:
>>>>> Please anyone else chime in with different opinions.  I want to make
>>>>> sure I am not misrepresenting our views.
>>>> I think we would have difficulty claiming "Commons" as a trademark.
>>>> I think we should be claiming/protecting:
>>>> - Apache Commons
>>>> - Apache Commons Foo
>>>> - Commons Foo
>>> Why, exactly?
>> Because I don't want BigCorp to be able to create a product called
>> "Apache Commons Math". If we don't protect our marks then we have no way
>> of stopping abuse.
> Do you honestly think that the probability of that is distinguishable from 0 
> as a double?

For all Commons components, over their potential lifetime, yes I think
the probability is a lot closer to 1 than 0.

> Seriously, I have a hard time envisioning this, and an even harder time 
> convincing myself that we should be spending precious volunteer hours making 
> changes throughout the commons sites to mitigate this risk.  Especially when 
> these changes may give the wrong impression to some users / potential 
> volunteers.

I don't see how claiming our trademarks can give the wrong impression.


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