The recognised standard in the JDK is NPE on invalid null input.

I have never overly liked this, but conform to it for JSR-310/ThreeTen.

I use IAE in other projects which are higher up the stack. Whether
[math] is low or high level may determine the choice you make.

Personally, I don't use NullArgEx, as it is never an exception that
the user should catch. The message of IAE is sufficiently good to
remove the need for NullArgEx. Thus in my opinion, [math] would be
better off without NullArgEx (as it adds no real value).

However, with this, and other exception issues, the truth is that for
[math] its mostly a matter of taste. The value in [math] is in the
algorithms, not in whether the exceptions are any good or not. As
such, I would advise worrying less about exceptions, and more about
maths. If there is an exception decision, just try to follow the
modern JDK examples where possible (as it reduces discussion here).


On 2 March 2011 08:20, Paul Benedict <> wrote:
> BTW, you can find precedence in the JVM for many methods that throw NPE on
> null arguments. I am not saying this is the "right way", since such things
> are subjective and are a matter of design, but many people have concluded
> it's better.
> On Tue, Mar 1, 2011 at 9:16 PM, Bill Barker <> wrote:
>> -----Original Message----- From: Gilles Sadowski
>> Sent: Tuesday, March 01, 2011 3:12 PM
>> To:
>> Subject: Re: [Math - 403] Never propagate a "NullPointerException"
>> resulting from bad usage of the API
>>  Hi.
>>>  It's a debate that goes on. Josh Bloch in his Effective Java book says
>>>> NPE
>>>> is perfectly acceptable for bad arguments. So it really depends on your
>>>> perspective what an NPE represents. I prefer Josh's opinion but only
>>>> because
>>>> every single argument probably creates lots of branch-checking that kills
>>>> cpu pipelining.
>>>> > As far as this issue is concerned (for what i have understood) i >
>>>> believe
>>>> > that one way to separate NULL(s) that occur from the A.P.I. from >
>>>> NULL(s)
>>>> > coming from wrong usage of A.P.I. by a user is the assert technique...
>>>> > I
>>>> > didn't know a lot about it but from what i have read it should be
>>>> > implemented only in the private methods of the A.P.I. Check this link >
>>>> out:
>>>> > "
>>>> >";.
>>>> > Another choice is to create a new class that would check all the >
>>>> arguments
>>>> > of every function we are interested in (for example: public
>>>> > checkArguments(Object... args)) [If i have understood correctly the >
>>>> purpose
>>>> > of this issue...]. Any suggestions would be more than welcomed!
>>> NPE is the symptom of a bug.
>>> Using "NullArgumentException" instead of the standard NPE so that the CM
>>> exception hierarchy is singly rooted (the root being "MathRuntimeEception"
>>> in the development version). An advantage is that it is easy to determine
>>> whether an exception is generated by CM. A drawback is that it is
>>> non-standard but this is mitigated by the fact that all other exceptions
>>> are
>>> also non-standard (e.g. "MathIllegalArgumentException" instead of IAE).
>>> One has to take into account that we settled on this choice because it
>>> makes
>>> it somewhat easier to implement other requirements (namely the
>>> localization
>>> of the error messages). It's a compromise (without the localization
>>> requirement, I would have favoured the standard exceptions). And, apart
>>> from
>>> avoiding code duplication, this choice has some "features" (which might be
>>> construed as advantages or drawbacks, depending on the viewpoint)...
>>> I'm not sure of what you mean by "branch-checking", but I don't think that
>>> checking for null makes the problem bigger than it would be otherwise,
>>> since
>>> CM already checks for many things.
>>> In the end, I'm really not sure what is the best approach for this
>>> particular case. Personally, I'd be happy that the CM code never checks
>>> for
>>> null and let the JVM throw NPE. This would hugely simplify the CM code,
>>> albeit at the cost of detecting bad usage a little later. IMHO, it is not
>>> a
>>> big deal because the bug is that an object is missing somewhere up the
>>> call
>>> stack, and it should be corrected there...
>> I'm in favor of just letting the JVM throw NPE.  Since there is no message
>> in this case, there is nothing to localize.  Using a class to check
>> arguments is too much work, since the (localized) message "Something was
>> null" is less than helpful.  And assert will be turned off in any reasonably
>> configured production server so makes the code less readable and adds very
>> little value.  If the null happens because of code in CM (as opposed to user
>> error), then we'll get a Jira issue, fix it, and add a unit test.  If it is
>> user error, then the stack trace of the NPE will tell the developer what was
>> wrong in at least 95% of the cases.
>>  Of course, this would mean that MATH-403 should be dropped, the
>>> "NullArgumentException" class removed, and the policy changed to: "Never
>>> check for null references".
>>> Best,
>>> Gilles
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