BTW, you can find precedence in the JVM for many methods that throw NPE on
null arguments. I am not saying this is the "right way", since such things
are subjective and are a matter of design, but many people have concluded
it's better.

On Tue, Mar 1, 2011 at 9:16 PM, Bill Barker <> wrote:

> -----Original Message----- From: Gilles Sadowski
> Sent: Tuesday, March 01, 2011 3:12 PM
> To:
> Subject: Re: [Math - 403] Never propagate a "NullPointerException"
> resulting from bad usage of the API
>  Hi.
>>  It's a debate that goes on. Josh Bloch in his Effective Java book says
>>> NPE
>>> is perfectly acceptable for bad arguments. So it really depends on your
>>> perspective what an NPE represents. I prefer Josh's opinion but only
>>> because
>>> every single argument probably creates lots of branch-checking that kills
>>> cpu pipelining.
>>> > As far as this issue is concerned (for what i have understood) i >
>>> believe
>>> > that one way to separate NULL(s) that occur from the A.P.I. from >
>>> NULL(s)
>>> > coming from wrong usage of A.P.I. by a user is the assert technique...
>>> > I
>>> > didn't know a lot about it but from what i have read it should be
>>> > implemented only in the private methods of the A.P.I. Check this link >
>>> out:
>>> > "
>>> >";.
>>> > Another choice is to create a new class that would check all the >
>>> arguments
>>> > of every function we are interested in (for example: public
>>> > checkArguments(Object... args)) [If i have understood correctly the >
>>> purpose
>>> > of this issue...]. Any suggestions would be more than welcomed!
>> NPE is the symptom of a bug.
>> Using "NullArgumentException" instead of the standard NPE so that the CM
>> exception hierarchy is singly rooted (the root being "MathRuntimeEception"
>> in the development version). An advantage is that it is easy to determine
>> whether an exception is generated by CM. A drawback is that it is
>> non-standard but this is mitigated by the fact that all other exceptions
>> are
>> also non-standard (e.g. "MathIllegalArgumentException" instead of IAE).
>> One has to take into account that we settled on this choice because it
>> makes
>> it somewhat easier to implement other requirements (namely the
>> localization
>> of the error messages). It's a compromise (without the localization
>> requirement, I would have favoured the standard exceptions). And, apart
>> from
>> avoiding code duplication, this choice has some "features" (which might be
>> construed as advantages or drawbacks, depending on the viewpoint)...
>> I'm not sure of what you mean by "branch-checking", but I don't think that
>> checking for null makes the problem bigger than it would be otherwise,
>> since
>> CM already checks for many things.
>> In the end, I'm really not sure what is the best approach for this
>> particular case. Personally, I'd be happy that the CM code never checks
>> for
>> null and let the JVM throw NPE. This would hugely simplify the CM code,
>> albeit at the cost of detecting bad usage a little later. IMHO, it is not
>> a
>> big deal because the bug is that an object is missing somewhere up the
>> call
>> stack, and it should be corrected there...
> I'm in favor of just letting the JVM throw NPE.  Since there is no message
> in this case, there is nothing to localize.  Using a class to check
> arguments is too much work, since the (localized) message "Something was
> null" is less than helpful.  And assert will be turned off in any reasonably
> configured production server so makes the code less readable and adds very
> little value.  If the null happens because of code in CM (as opposed to user
> error), then we'll get a Jira issue, fix it, and add a unit test.  If it is
> user error, then the stack trace of the NPE will tell the developer what was
> wrong in at least 95% of the cases.
>  Of course, this would mean that MATH-403 should be dropped, the
>> "NullArgumentException" class removed, and the policy changed to: "Never
>> check for null references".
>> Best,
>> Gilles
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