On Nov 7, 2010, at 6:11 PM, James Carman wrote:

> On Sun, Nov 7, 2010 at 8:57 PM, Ralph Goers <ralph.go...@dslextreme.com> 
> wrote:
>> I find this very confusing.  In trunk I cannot find a version of pom.xml in 
>> either the parent or core that didn't have org.apache.commons as the 
>> groupid.  Even in the 1.0 tag the pom.xml has org.apache.commons as the 
>> groupId. However, the project.xml used by maven 1 had commons-vfs as the 
>> groupid.  So if someone checks out VFS 1.0 and builds it with maven 2 they 
>> are going to get a different groupId than the binary release (assuming the 
>> Maven 2 build even works).
> This is the only thing that really matters:

While I agree that matters, it actually doesn't matter at all from an ASF point 
of view. The only thing that matters is the source that was voted on. 
Apparently it was in error. 

That said, I understand the implications of screwing stuff up.  I just think it 
is a lot less likely that you will find 2.0 and 1.0 of VFS in the same 
classpath vs something like commons lang. But if the consensus is to change the 
package names before doing a release it can certainly be done.  Note that I 
raised this question in August 2009 when we first discussed changing the JDK 
version to Java 5 (see the thread I referenced for that in the previous VOTE 
thread).  I'm just a little miffed that I could have done this a year ago.


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