I'm already set up with the source code, so I may have a look later, but
unfortunately I think I will also not be able to work on this for a while.


On 10-09-05 10:19 AM, Rahul Akolkar wrote:
> 2010/9/5 Xun Long Gui <ustbco...@gmail.com>:
>> Yeah, I will add this part, but i think it will take me a while, i will
>> graduate this winter, these days, i was working for my graduate pater, so
>> may be you should wait for a while, sorry for that :-(
> <snip/>
> The other option always available would be for someone else to jump in
> and make the necessary changes. I may not have time soon for this, but
> Jake or Chris if you want to take a look, feel free to have at it.
> Starting point to get going is probably this page [1].
> -Rahul
> [1] 
> http://commons.apache.org/sandbox/gsoc/2010/scxml-eclipse/guide/run-source-code.html
>> 2010/9/5 Jacob Beard <jbea...@cs.mcgill.ca>
>>> Hi Long,
>>> I just wanted to follow up quickly and find out the current status on the
>>> issues that were raised here. Specifically, is it possible to add
>>> executable
>>> content to transitions in scxml-eclipse?
>>> Please let me know. Thanks,
>>> Jake
>>> 2010/8/8 Jacob Beard <jbea...@cs.mcgill.ca>
>>>> Hi Long,
>>>> I should mention that I had missed this part of the specification as
>>>> well, and I only recently discovered it while trying to determine how
>>>> best to express static reactions with SCXML. I'm currently updating
>>>> scxml-js to support this.
>>>> Jake
>>>> On 10-08-08 10:12 PM, Xun Long Gui wrote:
>>>>> Hi Jake,
>>>>> Thanks for your reply. It seems that we should re-define transition EMF
>>>> data
>>>>> model for this tool, rebuild the tool from the base. I will read SCXML
>>>>> transition specification carefully and carry on the rebuild job
>>>>> 在 2010年8月9日 上午9:22,Jacob Beard <jbea...@cs.mcgill.ca>写道:
>>>>>> Hi, Long,
>>>>>> Replies below:
>>>>>> On 10-08-08 09:06 PM, Xun Long Gui wrote:
>>>>>>> I do not think we can create a transition without a target, target is
>>> a
>>>>>>> necessary element for a transition.
>>>>>> The spec says that the target attribute on transition is not required.
>>>>>> In that case, I think the semantics are similar to a Static Reaction,
>>> as
>>>>>> defined in the paper describing the Rhapsody semantics of statecharts.
>>>>>> From the spec:
>>>>>> The identifier(s) of the state or parallel region to transition to. If
>>>>>> it is omitted, the transition will not cause a change in the state
>>>>>> configuration when it is executed. The executable content contained in
>>>>>> the transition will still be executed, so the transition will function
>>>>>> as a simple event handler. If the target is present and equal to the
>>>>>> state containing the transition element, the transition will cause the
>>>>>> state machine to leave and then re-enter this state.
>>>>>> From: http://www.w3.org/TR/scxml/#transition
>>>>>>> To feature 1 and 3 in Chris's commends, we can achieve them, not a
>>> big
>>>>>>> thing. What do you mean about "showstoppers" bug ?
>>>>>> What I mean is that I think these things are critical to usability.
>>>>>> Jake
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