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The "UsingNexus" page has been changed by ChristianGrobmeier.
The comment on this change is: added instructions for the svn tag and voting.


  This is necessary to ensure that Nexus is used as the deployment target.
- First, create the SVN tag (with appropriate non-SNAPSHOT version in the pom), 
check it out into a fresh workspace and build/test the code.
+ ==== Creating the SVN tag ==== 
+  1. trunk: Update the version number in the pom.xml to a non-SNAPSHOT version 
and commit the to trunk
+  1. svn update trunk
+  1. svn cp trunk tags/FOO_1_2_RC1
+  1. svn commit -m "Tagging foo-1.2 RC1" tags/FOO_1_2_RC1
+  1. trunk: Update the SNAPSHOT-version number and commit the change 
+  1. tag: Check the newly created SVN tag out into a fresh workspace and 
build/test the code.
+ ==== Deploy the artifacts ====
  Once the code appears to be ready, the Maven artifacts can be deployed:
  {{{mvn deploy -Prelease [-Plocal-deploy]}}}
@@ -135, +145 @@

  Now you can right-click to download files (and drop any that should not be 
there e.g. .asc.md5 - if you can be bothered).
  Also at this point the "Repository Path" URL becomes active to others.
- This is the URL you use in the VOTE thread.
+ ==== Send Out The Vote ====
+ Below you find a vote template to save you some time ...
+ {{{
+ Tag:
+ Site:
+ Binaries:
+ Add the Nexus URL to your binary artifacts, f. e.
+ [ ] +1 release it
+ [ ] +0 go ahead I don't care
+ [ ] -1 no, do not release it because
+ }}}
+ ==== React to the Vote ====
  If the vote passes, right-click on the "closed" status and select "Promote" 
otherwise "Drop".

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