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The "UsingNexus" page has been changed by ChristianGrobmeier.
The comment on this change is: changed site deploy section, corrected svn 
tagging section.


  mvn commons:download-page
- ==== Define Staging Site for Release Candidate ====
- Also ensure that the {{{rc}}} profile will stage the site (rather than update 
the Commons component website). See bottom of 
SCXML POM]] as an example. See 
[[|COMMONSSITE-26]] for 
- {{{
- <profiles>
-   <profile>
-     <id>rc</id>
-     <distributionManagement>
-       <!-- Cannot define in parent ATM, see COMMONSSITE-26 -->
-       <site>
-         <id></id>
-         <name>Apache Commons Release Candidate Staging Site</name>
-       </site>
-     </distributionManagement>
-   </profile>
- </profiles>
- }}}
  ==== Prepare Your Assembly Descriptors ====
  If you are declaring/using your own assembly descriptors make sure that they 
are not using ${version} but ${commons.release.version} - there seems to be an 
odd bug which results in an incorrectly expanded version string, e.g. 
{{{commons-exec-2.4.1-src}}}. If in doubt look at {{{./src/assembly/src.xml}}}
@@ -172, +151 @@

  When you followed the instructions you have modified a couple of files by now 
- commit them now otherwise the release process will fail.
- ==== Dry Run Your Maven Release ====
+ ==== Create the SVN tags ====
  Check that your poms will not lose content when they are rewritten during the 
release process.
@@ -182, +161 @@

   * Remember to do 'mvn release:clean ' before you start the real release 
+  * If everything is ok, run: mvn release:prepare
+ After this step the necessary SVN tags should have been created. You probably 
have problems running this command. Sometimes a profile in the settings help, 
like this:
+ {{{
+ <profile>
+   <id>apache-release</id>
+   <properties>
+      <gpg.passphrase></gpg.passphrase>
+      <gpg.keyname>your_key</gpg.keyname>
+   </properties>
+ </profile>
+ }}}
+ Or running mvn with this arguments:
+ {{{
+ mvn -DdryRun=true -Dgpg.keyname=your_key \
+ -Darguments="-Dgpg.keyname=your_key" release:prepare
+ }}}
  ==== Deploy the artifacts ====
  Once the code appears to be ready, the Maven artifacts can be deployed:
@@ -193, +193 @@

  Otherwise, the artifacts will be deployed to the release staging repository 
in Nexus.
the Staged Repository]] for information about reviewing your staged artifacts 
and making them available for others to review.
+ ==== Stage the site ====
+ The [[|site 
plugin]] can be used for staging a website. You probably need to add some 
authentication information to your settings.xml. Please mind the id 
+ {{{
+ <server>
+   <id>stagingSite</id>
+   <username>repouser</username>
+   <!-- other optional elements:
+      <password>my_login_password</password>
+      <privateKey>/path/to/identity</privateKey> (default is ~/.ssh/id_dsa)
+      <passphrase>my_key_passphrase</passphrase>
+   -->
+ </server>
+ }}}
+ Once done, run a command like this from your tag:
+ {{{
+ mvn site:stage-deploy -DstagingDirectory=src/site \
+ -DstagingSiteURL=scp://[...]/
+ }}}
+ The site should appear on the specified folder.
  ==== Send Out The Vote ====

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